As Benjamin Franklin's virtues system will change your life
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 into a family of modest means. He began working at age 12. Over time, Franklin was a successful book printer, writer, scientist, politician and diplomat. He attributed much of his success to the work of the 13 virtues by which he was prepared for any eventuality.
Cards virtues will help develop and monitor your progress
Most of his life, Franklin carried a virtue cards. Each table has from 7 columns and 13 rows. Columns - a day of the week, and the line - virtue.
As he took out the card several times during the day to remind yourself of your intentions. In the evening, looking through all the virtues and noted those worked on today.
The goal - to mark as many cells as possible.
The new week began with a new card. And they were not all identical: Benjamin used 13 variations, and on top of each card has been listed one of the virtues with a brief description. This meant that it needed to focus on this week.
At the end of the week he evaluated what the virtues developed, and what - no. I pondered on what sphere of life need to focus efforts. He also was a sort of a quarterly report once every 13 weeks, the end of one cycle of the cards. This helped him to notice patterns in behavior.
Over time, these virtues have become part of his character. Let us consider each of them in detail.
13 Franklin's virtues
1. forbearance
Eat only to satisfy his hunger. Do not overeat simply for entertainment or greed. Stop drinking when they noticed that alcohol distorts your perception. Make sure that what goes into your body.
2. taciturnity
If you can not add to the conversation something good, say nothing. Listen more to the interlocutors. Avoid empty chatter. Do not talk, just to fill the silence. This does not mean you have to completely avoid people and secular conversations. Just remember that these conversations have a clear goal - for example, to learn more about his interlocutor.
3. Love of order
Keep your things in order to easily find them. When things are too much for them difficult to follow. This is a signal that you have time to lose.
Do this the same with time. Then you always have time to do what's important to you.
4. Determination
If you decide to do something to bring the case to the end. Do not promise what can not or do not intend to fulfill. Give up, if you ask for something that you can not do.
5. Thrift
Do not waste your money for nothing. Every ruble should go for some purpose. Try to get the maximum benefit for the amount spent.
If you decide not to spend money, Though they will benefit you in something else. Put them on the big goal, or to pay off debts.
6. industry
Do not spend your time in idleness. Always try to do something useful. When there is no energy or focus on current business, find something else to do on the forces. If at this moment you do not have anything to do, work on yourself. If you are too tired, go to bed. If fatigue persists for a long time, take a vacation or go to the doctor.
7. Sincerity
Be honest, but to think about how your words affect others. Be careful not to injure a person and inspire. Do not lie and do not enter others astray. If you criticize, do it without violence.
8. Justice
Do not harm others for their own benefit. Look for solutions, winning all parties. If you promise something, keep his word. Or renegotiate terms if they become overwhelming.
9. Moderation
Avoid extremes. Extremely sharp behavior toward others usually leads to negative consequences. If you deliberately want to harm, be careful not to overdo it.
10. Cleanliness
Keep the clothes. keep clean home and workplace. Do not forget about personal hygiene. This is important not only for your health, but also affects the way you are perceived by others.
11. calmness
Do not worry due to unforeseen events. They are inevitable, and sadness does not help to cope with them. Learn to recognize your emotions and not let them influence your behavior. Treat them just like information that will help you make the best decision.
12. Chastity
Do not let passions distract you or become a sense of your life. Do not let them push you to betrayal. If you can not cope on their own, ask for help, but do not dismiss from this virtue.
13. Meekness
Exceeds expectations in any case. Glory not, by what you are wonderful. Just do more and to do justice to others.
How to apply this system to life
Take the basis of virtue Franklin and add to them those who want to develop in yourself. or make a own list from scratch.
The idea is to develop a system of specific virtues or skills that will help you get better. And then every day to monitor their progress.
Over time, these qualities will become a natural part of you. The main thing - to practice every day. Print the card with a list of virtues, or to set up their smartphone. Every morning, look into the card to remind myself over what to work today. In the evening, notes that did. At the end of the week assess overall progress.
Just do not expect instant results. Personal development takes time. Follow this system day by day, and you will notice that your life is getting better.