As an information diet can change our lives
A Life Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
You never have occurred to me that people who are subject to procrastination, have the same problems as obese? Similarly, as the fat men, without discrimination and measures consuming harmful products that make them ultimately little use to sufferers of life, procrastinators can not abandon the consumption of tons of useless information that turns their brain of a unique powerful tool in the cemetery of others' ideas and feelings. And just as the body obesity, procrastination can be treated with diet. Information.
In a world of thousands of important events take place every day. Yes, I used to think that an educated intelligent person should be aware of the political life, recent scientific discoveries emergencies. Last book, music and movie novelties. Sports. News. And so on, everyone can continue this list.
The only problem is that as long as you follow the other people's lives, your life passes by. While you will pass on all these "most essential" sites, midday has passed and head is filled with porridge of scraps of information. It's time to tie it and go on a diet, returning to his brain harmony of ideas and thinking speed.
Do not consume something that does not concern you
An incredible number of wide range of information, wrapped in a bright attractive shell surrounds us and beckons at every corner. Throw a stick in your head all you slip! For myself, I developed a habit: whenever the hand usual clicks on an interesting link, I ask myself - "I'm reading it to what? What is the purpose? "(Ask half the battle, be sure to wait for an answer :)).
You'd be surprised how many absolutely unnecessary information you can weed out this simple question. The vast majority of news in any form will not affect your life, so you will probably be able to clean out of your bookmarks, most news and political sites. And do not worry, if there is something really important, you are sure to learn about it. You do not need to watch the news, "just in case".
Do not consume anything negative
Human nature is such that we have unwittingly attracts negative. Try to pick up a pencil and when watching the evening news to calculate the ratio of negative and positive stories in the release. I got the ratio of 10: 2. Murders, fires, road accidents, sick children, offenses... The journalists have become lazy and unprofessional and instead of preparing plots visualize police reports.
Negative information does not bring anything of value in our lives. It distorts the perception of the world and our psyche. Block it completely. We always have enough of its own problems, so it really makes little sense to spend time worrying about people's problems, you do not even know.
Consume a minimum of information
Now let's talk about the job and how to cope with it better. To perform any task you may want to look for and acquire new knowledge. Search for information in our time is not difficult, much more difficult to stop in time and get to work. After the link is strung on a link, the page following the page, and here we are drawn away from the start of the task even further than they were at the beginning.
To cope with this very simple. Before you start collecting information just write to a range of issues that you want to understand. Do not click on links that look interesting, but you do not meet the composed questions. Stay in the moment when all the questions for himself clarified. This simple tip will help you to be saved from aimless wanderings from the network under the guise of work.
One day a week for training
Yes, of course we are not machines, and we can not put our brains in the information vacuum. Sometimes you can pamper yourself and. Delay interesting articles for you with one of the deferred reading service and select one day a week for their study. This is quite enough. Believe me, in this case, you will be sooo responsible attitude to the choice of articles and get special pleasure from their consumption. Usual information cud turn into an exquisite delicacy.
create a barrier
Funny, I remember the time when the information was so small that people were able to "read between the lines of the newspaper," and did not sleep at night listening to "enemy voices". Today, things have changed quite the opposite. From the information necessary to defend themselves. Methods and tools for this huge number, we always write about them. Perhaps you should turn off the TV, block Facebook and other distractions sites set ad blocker, Clean bookmarks or even to have a specially customized browser for work.
In fact, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, a good writer, founder of the popular blog, or find yourself in any other area, you need to build and implement a whole defensive system of measures aimed at reducing the informational noise around themselves. Every minute of the attention spent on useless to you site, read articles or stupid view hilarious video, you pay other people's work, but to get a step further from its dreams.
I believe that it is time to stop this insane gluttony and land on an information diet! What do you think about this?