203 good habits that will improve your life
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Do you want to be the master of your life? Take into service a whole list of good habits that will help to achieve the desired goals.
A few days ago I came across interesting list with hundreds of small decisions that can be the beginning of great results in life.
Regardless of whether it is losing weight, physical education, study or career, try to introduce some of these habits into your life, making them into your daily routine. I'm sure the result will not take long.
If you want to be happier
- Communicate with positive people.
- Every day, write down three good things that happened to you during the day.
- Laugh. Even if sometimes you will force yourself to do it. Hormones of joy will be useful.
- Spend more time in the sun. Or in a well-lit environments, if the street is overcast.
- Move (walk or engage in physical exercise) for at least 20 minutes each day.
- Walk the dog or stroke the animal.
- Hug at least one person a day.
- Call an old friend or loved one.
- Spend 30 minutes of your time on the day of his hobby, which is fun and relaxes you.
- Buy something new (even something small, such as a new type of coffee).
If you want to better cope with stress
- Breathe deeply for two minutes. Concentrate on your breathing.
- Take a 10-minute charge.
- Listen to something quiet and distraction that has no relation to the source of stress.
- Hug to someone close (husband / wife, friend or even a pet). Physical contact quickly calms.
- Get rid of stress at the time of supply. Leave for five minutes from a meeting or take a break in the current task. Just switch to something.
- Smell geranium essential oil or lavender. They lower blood pressure (can be combined with paragraph 11).
- Sit in the sun for five minutes.
- Draw something or paint the picture.
- Tell a friend about 10 minutes.
- Dedicate 10 minutes caring for themselves (take a shower, do a manicure or haircut).
- Take a nap.
- Chew the cud.
If you want to become more confident
- Write down three things that you like about yourself. Then read them aloud.
- Stand up straight and lower your arms and let them hang naturally.
- Wear clothing that suits you.
- Prepare for the difficult situation in which you need confidence. Write down your thoughts or speech, and bring a cheat sheet on the performance.
- Do not let yourself be nervous. Instead, go out to a secluded place (for example, in the dressing room or another room) where you will be able to properly stretch and relax. After that, concentrate on relaxing.
- Pay attention to the other person's feelings instead of their own insecurity.
- Repeat the mantra in his head.
- Make a list of things that you like about yourself.
- Ask a close friend or family member to get you a compliment.
If you want to develop spirituality
- Spend 15 minutes reading spiritual texts (eg, the Bible).
- Walk in the woods.
- Perform a thoughtful act of kindness to a stranger.
- Give up one physical pleasures or material things.
- Join like-minded group who can learn and draw inspiration.
- Look at the stars.
- Enjoy the sunset or sunrise.
- Record as the man you met on that day, could enrich your life.
If you want to become closer
- Meditate. Start with 15 minutes a day, find a quiet place, close your eyes and concentrate on your own breathing.
- Pay attention to the details around you. What color are the wings of a butterfly? What to taste this salad? How many shades of green you can see right now?
- Consciously let go of worry or regret. Tell yourself, "I'll take care of it in the future" or "past is past."
- Focus on your feelings at this moment, for example, how well you feel, lying in his bed, or how you act bodryasche blowing wind.
- To invest emotionally in the current interaction. What is your experience with respect to one of its problems? What emotions do you feel right now? What can you do to please or appease the person who is with you?
social goals
If you want to make new friends
- Make a conscious effort to smile.
- Establish eye contact with someone new.
- Introduce yourself to a new person.
- Ask a new person a few questions about his preferences.
- Talk about general issues of the earth.
- Find a way to laugh together. Tell anecdote or work with something funny.
If you want to go with someone on a date
- Spend the extra 20 minutes on their own hygiene. Do not leave home without taking a shower and not fully assembled.
- Smile more often.
- Avoid talking to negative topics or complaints about anything.
- Relax. Straighten shoulders, sit up straight and straighten your arms, placing them palms up. An open posture emphasize your self-confidence and affordability.
- Maintain eye contact.
If you want to look sexy (women)
- Open a little skin. Choose your favorite part of your body (arms, legs, hands, neck) and wear clothing that leaves it open.
- Prefer red. Pick red lipstick and red nail polish, buy a red jacket and red shoes. Men will take you more attractive in the red.
- Lean closer to him.
- Touch it.
- Wear heels.
If you want to look sexier (men)
- Keep your posture.
- Pull your shoulders back.
- Initiate gentle touch without hesitation. For example, the touch of her hand while talking or touch her back, when you open the door for her and passed forward.
- Wear fashionable clothes, which is required in each situation.
If you want to become a better lover
- Extend foreplay for five minutes longer than expected.
- Pay attention to the reaction partner.
- Do not eat heavy meals two hours before physical intimacy. If you have something to eat during this period of time, choose dishes that are easily digested.
- Practice prolonged eye contact.
- Create a suitable atmosphere. Light the candles.
- Relax, laugh - organize a fun pastime.
Fitness goals
If you want to lose weight
- Eat six times a day in small portions of healthy food to not be hungry and do not overeat.
- Eat breakfast within 30 minutes after awakening to activate metabolic processes.
- Spend the first 10 minutes in the morning exercises. Brisk walk or 10-minute set of exercises - the perfect way to speed up the metabolism.
- Train a total of one hour per day, five days a week. If you can beat that time on the two approaches in a day, you will create two additional push metabolism.
- Drink a glass of water before each meal.
- Fill your plate with vegetables and lean meat. Fat, grain or food with high starch and sugar, use as a seasoning.
- During each meal replace one white product (for example, starch or semi-finished products) than any green, orange, or brown (vegetables, protein, legumes).
- Try a new type of physical activity (e.g., rock climbing, rafting, yoga, dance, and so on. P.).
- Walk with your dog (or a neighbor's dog).
- Park in the farthest spot in the parking lot.
If you want to build muscle
- Make focus their diet on protein.
- Squat every morning. Increase the number of sit-ups every week.
- Push-ups in the morning. Weekly increase the number of push-ups.
- Engage with dumbbells or barbell in the morning.
If you want to begin to engage in physical activity
- Begin to perform light exercises every day. Gradually increase the time occupation for five minutes, until you reach the desired workout duration.
- Keep a training diary. Gradually increase the intensity of training.
- Keep an eye on the pulse while exercising. Calculate your heart rate, which should be followed throughout the entire workout.
- Pay attention to your own health. Determine for yourself the intensity of training, when you have put effort to exercise, but do not torture yourself to the fullest.
- Make classes obligatory point of his daily schedule.
If you want to improve their performance in sports
- Achieve one Microcel every day. To do this, the main goal and the period for which you want to come to her, and then break up on daily tasks and Microcel, the achievement of which will help you to reach the main.
- Find a mentor and every day, discuss with them their achievements. This can be a personal trainer, as well as partner in communication studies or at a specialized forum.
- Daily allocates 10 minutes for the analysis of what you should learn from someone who is better than you.
- Organize yourself regular classes with a man a few times a week.
- Daily read specialized Internet resources (for example, about running, swimming, and so on. N.).
- Read books on your particular topic.
If you want to fall asleep quickly
- Do not drink alcohol at night. Instead, prepare yourself for an hour before bedtime herbal tea.
- Exercise at least two hours before bedtime.
- Go to bed at the same time each day.
- Wake up at the same time, including weekends and holidays.
- Turn off or dim the light for half an hour before bedtime.
- Take 3-5 mg of melatonin an hour before bedtime.
- Do not drink beverages with high caffeine after 14:00.
- When you are lying in bed, think about something good and soothing.
- Arrange cozy with a loved one or pet. His / her rhythmic breathing can help you relax.
- Tighten your muscles and then relax them completely. Repeat several times until completely relieve tension.
If you want to sleep all night
- Sleep in a cool room, covered with a blanket.
- Remove from the bedroom all LED lamps.
- Turn on the night sounds of the ocean, rain, or other soothing melody.
- Meditate 10 minutes before bedtime.
- Use the bedroom only for rest and removes there for half an hour before bedtime.
If you want to eat
- Plan your meals in advance.
- Take the food out of the house all day.
- Eat a fruit or a vegetable salad in the morning.
- Do not buy ready-made snacks. Instead, bring something to snack from home.
- Always carry with them something useful for a snack on the way home from work. Then you will not be tempted and do not buy at a fast-food way.
- Do not buy in a store processed products (semi-finished products, breakfast cereals, and so on. N.).
- Separate dishes in the restaurant into two parts: one eat on the spot and take home a second.
- Share your dinner with a colleague or friend.
- Promise yourself and order only healthy dishes from the menu.
- Order children's portions.
If you want to drink healthy drinks
- Add a slice of lemon or lime in a glass of water.
- Replace fizzy drinks with mineral water.
- Drink tea or herbal cold iced coffee instead of sweet lemonades.
- Discard the hot chocolate or coffee with cream in favor of flavored tea and black coffee.
- Replace juice with a high sugar content in the juice of freshly squeezed or without an additional portion of the sweetener.
- Discard the cream and sugar (or minimize their use).
If you want to speed up metabolism
- Drink green tea without sugar several times a day.
- Do vigorous 10-minute exercises every morning.
- Eat breakfast in the first half hour after waking up.
- Eat six times a day in small portions.
- Add in the food and beverage pepper and cinnamon.
- Drink cold drinks with ice.
- Engage in physical exercise in a cool place.
If you want to live longer
- Daily walk for half an hour before bedtime.
- Floss.
- Hug your dear people every day.
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Every day a new healthy recipe cook.
If you want to minimize the risk of cancer
- Every day, eat servings of fresh colorful vegetables.
- Drink green tea.
- Give up fried foods.
- Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.
If you want to work productively
- Plan your day by making a list of what you need to do and stick with it performance.
- Make every hour breaks. Arise because the workplace, stretch, walk around the office or drink water.
- Plan the most difficult tasks on the part of the day when you are most productive.
- Come to work 15 minutes before the working day.
- Highlight in his routine 45 minutes in which you will have no one to disturb, and concentrate on the most important tasks. To do this, you can retire to another room, put on headphones or even leave the office.
- Do not look in his nearly one hour during the day and turn off all notifications.
- Allocate a separate time to verify their accounts in social networks.
If you want to accelerate your career
- Take an active part in every meeting, in which you are present. Set a goal to speak to each of them at least once.
- Appears regularly in the office and maintain personal contact with colleagues. If you work from home, your work can be assessed below.
- Rehearse your speech in front of the mirror, working through all possible issues and difficulties.
- Watch for their appearance, dressing better than your colleagues.
If you want to start a business
- Spend 15 minutes each day to create a portfolio of their work.
- Always carry a business card.
- Every day, imagine yourself a new man. Define a list of potentially important person and set a goal to get acquainted with one of them every day.
- View your business plan every night before bed.
- Highlight 15 minutes each day for self-development, reading profile literature, listening to lectures and so on. N.
- Every day, devote 15 minutes of action that promote your business forward (write a post on a blog or leave a comment on the forum, make an important phone call, and so on. N.).
If you want to remember new information
- Read aloud.
- Write down the main points on the tape recorder and listen to the recording before going to bed.
- Underline or highlight important information.
- Chew mint gum while studying.
- Pinch yourself, or are holding ice cubes while working with difficult material. Physical sensations stimulate the production of adrenaline, helping to remember complicated formulas.
- Think of a song or verse to memorize complex stuff.
- Use visualization to link the definition of new words or meanings.
Personal projects
If you want to write a book
- Write 500 words every morning before will be spent on the work.
- Send your work to lay criticism or public debate.
- Read at least 15 minutes before going to bed that one of its genre.
- Spend half of your work break edit what you've written in the morning.
If you want to unleash their creativity
- Spend 10 minutes a day for viewing / reading of a work of art that inspires you.
- Keep a diary. Record to the idea that inspires you, what colors, textures, shapes catch the eye.
- Secure with the camera all the inspiring things that you come across every day.
- Dedicate some time before bedtime work on their creative projects. It also helps to relax.
- Set aside time in your daily schedule for the art.
- Play musical instruments or listen to music.
- Look thematic videos on YouTube.
If you do not want to be late
- Plan your day, starting from the meetings.
- Leave a 15-minute gap before the meetings, which take place outside the office.
- Plan a meeting with internal five-minute margin.
- Include in your schedule time needed for breaks, short telephone conversations and discussions of unforeseen operational issues with colleagues.
- Fear in the event of force majeure.
- Put reminders in your phone.
- Mark the alternative routes to the places where you often get to avoid traffic jams.
If you want to be more organized
- Get rid of unnecessary correspondence still on the way to your workplace, so as not to clutter up the space.
- Pay your bills on the same day when they are getting.
- Fold paid invoices immediately upon payment.
- Always return the items in their places.
- Every day at least one discard unwanted items, so as not to accumulate junk.
If you want to get rid of bad habits
- Make it a rule to spend 10 minutes of time on some other activity, before you decide, for example, have a smoke.
- Identify emotions, places or things that cause you desire again and again to take up the bad habit, and come up with a solution for every situation. For example, if you bite your nails while driving, wear gloves or take up a pencil and a sheet of paper as just starting to get nervous, and paint until you calm down.
- Come up with a list of things that you will be replacing a bad habit during the next impulse.
- Write a list of penalties in case if you are still showing weakness. For example, fine.
If you want to quit
- Remind yourself that the most important thing - to cope with the first impulse, and if you wait a 10 minutes, a craving for a cigarette will decrease.
- Before you light a cigarette, put it in your mouth or leaf mint mints and wait until it disappears of its taste. Only then ask yourself whether you really want to smoke.
- If you usually smoke in the street, take a few laps around the building or room for smoking, before you take a cigarette. The desire to smoke may evaporate.
- Change your habits that are related to smoking. For example, go to a restaurant where you can not smoke or drink coffee indoors only, and not on the street with a cigarette.
If you want to consume less alcohol
- Drink a glass of clean water before each use of alcohol. At festivals and parties set a rule to communicate with a specific number of people before you refill your glass. For example, you will not be able to take a new batch of alcohol, while not spend a full conversation with three people.
- Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic.
- If you are used to "pass a cup" at home when coming back from work, change the habit of the new. For example, walk the dog, take a shower, watch a movie or eat a salad before you pick up a glass.
Complex habits
If you want to improve several areas of life
- Walk walk at least 30 minutes every day. Daily walking improves mood, raises the tone and helps to cope with stress and help to lose weight.
- Replace one main meal salad or vegetable soup (e.g., lentil soup). Several vegetable servings a day will improve digestion, unload the body, help to get rid of excess kilograms and will be a good prevention of many diseases, including cancer.
- Sleep at least eight hours a day. Restful sleep improves mood, memory, and learning new information, and improve performance.
Personally, I have found for myself a lot of things that I do, as well as a number of useful details that should be included in my daily schedule. I hope this list will inspire you to look at your life from a slightly different angle.
Tell, and what good habits can highlight in your life you?