5 ways to get rid of the phone depending on
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Scientists are trying to determine what effect modern technology and the internet in our brain. To answer the question, when this influence is positive, can each of us - they help us to do something and find useful information. But what's wrong with technology?
Smartphone influence on you?
In this video teenagers watching recording from YouTube, which contain examples of how smartphones have changed the communication of people with each other. Not surprisingly, in most cases - not for the better. Probably, you will experience a similar reaction if you knew how smartphones affect our cognitive abilities.
Referring to the example. Remember life before the purchase of the first computer. Remember, they had to watch programs on a huge television? Then it was not possible to select a program and immediately start watching it. Sometimes not even had a chance to find out what the transfer goes at the moment. had memorize exit the program, announced in commercial breaks, study TV program or ask friends. All around in my head was a "database" of the shows you like, and information on when they will be broadcast on any channel (we even know the correct button on the remote).
Someone might argue that in those days we were spending too much time trying to find the answers that today can be found instantly. But at the same time, the process of searching for and storing these answers helped us to better retain information in memory.
That is why the worrisome fact that today very few people will remember useful information. What can we say, 10 years ago we knew almost all the phone numbers of relatives and friends.
Just think how much life has changed in the past 10 years: how many skills irretrievably lost, and how much there was not very good habits. Do you repair things, if you can quickly order new on the web? Have you read the book, if the media can deliver new materials with a huge stock? Do you sit in front of the TV when you can watch all the episodes of favorite series in a row and for free?
Many would think that the changes that have occurred in recent years have changed lives for the better. And it really can be. But if you feel the need to change something in his usual address with your smartphone, here are a few recommendations that you should start with.
1. Only install useful applications
Apple Stores, Google and Microsoft can boast a huge number of applications. But what you really need from this variety? What is really useful?
When you read the description, almost all applications seem excellent. And many of them we recommend on Layfhakere. But if you install all of the recommended applications will not suffice any time. Smartphone - it's good, but it should not be the only partner in life.
So what should we keep on hand? Only you can answer that question yourself. Ask yourself: what application I will be tight with no features? Few people give up the camera in the phone. Those who are accustomed to using navigation applications, just do not want to print the map. Many give up the habit to carry a MP3-player, because the gadget in your pocket can do same. Notes easier to do in a special supplement, and not to look for the right piece of paper in a pile of others. Car owners are unlikely to give up the luxury of using a smartphone find parking in the vicinity of the destination. List can be long.
But do you really need to know how many steps are completed in a day? Do I need every second notification with the news that an important happened in the world? Do I really need to make spontaneous purchases through dozens of shopping apps? Think that such fastfudnye applications can take several years to your life.
We buy more and more new phones, install more and more applications, spend more and more time with the gadget in hand. You do not have the feeling that this is not something that you need? Try to get rid of the majority of applications, and then look at how many of them you miss.
2. Set a few games (or other taymkillerov)
I can not tear myself away from Angry Birds.
Games for your phone several times cheaper than counterparts for consoles, consoles and PC. They do not need to buy additional equipment. It is undeniable dignity. Your games are always with you.
The need to connect the console to the TV, and it means that you have to stay at home to play. In the console easier to play too and spend doing this too long. With your smartphone you'll be distracted from the game every time someone would call.
And now, when you've spent countless hours throwing birds, breaking lollipops, defending the city, tell whether you have become better? Think about the things that you wanted to do, and which has not begun. For example, you want learn how to cook well. I have accumulated a store of books that read like. Hike to the gym can be expensive, but many of the exercises can be do at home.
I do not want to say that time spent playing is wasted. I want to say that you have spent time on the game rather than to do what has long been gathered.
Indeed, the point here is not that we need to limit the time in the game. It happens that you flip through Facebook tape to see what's new came in 4 minutes? Viewed whether pictures in Tumblr, when he wanted bleeders? Now that you know what applications are prevented to be productive.
Feel boredom - this is normal. And there is nothing strange that sometimes you want to kick stones, while standing at a bus stop. It is fun to check out the graffiti in the toilet stall. At such moments our imagination comes alive. The reason why many of us think better in the shower, is that we are not distracted on anything but themselves.
3. Look for long content
"Kids today do not know how to hold the attention," - says every adult who had to communicate with children. It can be said about the parents, inattentive office workers who can not be a long time to focus on a single task.
Most of the content on the web can be quickly read or run eyes. Who would have thought that people would go crazy with 6-second video. When all the entertainment is placed in one smartphone, the content should be digested for a few seconds and alerting - to come at any time. As you can see, the phone does not increase the level of concentration.
But the truth is that you can find on your smartphone as much material as can not fit into any library. Who seeks will always find.
Books? Read them on your phone. Magazines? Also. Although the device and change the words remain the same. Longridy can be found on many websites.
4. Do not do everything in one device
The smartphone can replace a computer, books, magazines, newspapers, MP3-players, GPS-navigators, cameras, cameras, televisions, game consoles, alarm clocks, radios, calculators and many other things, but that does not mean that it is possible allow.
Of course, it may seem that using a smartphone in every way possible - this is a good space saving and money, but just imagine how you can spend your day. Returning home from work, you recognize the missing news. Then half an hour to spend a good book before you see two episodes of favorite series. Play a little Fieldrunners, read a couple of blogs and you go to sleep.
And all this time you're staring at the phone.
Spending half an hour with this book in the cover, and then playing a console with a joystick, you get two very different impressions. You do it in different ways. And the lessons do not seem the same type. They change you.
You simply switch from one sedentary activity to another, but at the very least, experience a variety of physical sensations. And besides, you will not be so obsessed with a single device, if divide their sympathies between several things.
5. Remember where you are
Time-tested rule of thumb: if you are on the street, not one, not sitting, probably you should not stares into the phone. Friends and colleagues are unlikely to want to talk with someone who looks as if he ignores them. Drivers and pedestrians are unlikely to want to communicate with someone who does not even look where he was going.
Who wants to live in a perfect world, populated by people who prefer to look at it through the prism of portable screens and pictures on the Internet?
Why do I have to call such people fools? Because the mind - it is not only read books and have a good memory.
Do not fall into the trap of smartphones, not cut themselves off from the world and other people.
No need to get rid of the smartphone
The smartphone is not going to kill you or destroy your cognitive ability. It is just a tool, like a book or a map. But we need to be aware of how you use it, if he does not interfere with your life.
We're not going to argue about the nature of smartphones, to find out whether they can be addictive. If you are the first thing in the morning reading a book, then read late at night, an hour after work or at the time when hunting bleeders - you relationship and from books, too.
There is nothing wrong to look for something, when there is a question. But sometimes, in addition to the rapid response required a deeper dive into the problem. For the brain is useful to analyze the information and thinking about something on a regular basis. Do not let him get out of shape.
Now put your smartphone and get away from it. Do not worry, it's not forever. So much time does not benefit relations with each other. Go for a walk. And when you return, do not place your phone next to the bed. So sleep better.
You do not have to completely abandon the technology. The phone has been with you during the priceless moments. It helps find your way home if you suddenly turned the wrong way. It will allow to talk in video chat with relatives who live on the other side of the world. Smartphones enrich our lives, but sometimes they need to be ruthlessly put aside because, as with many other things, they should be in moderation.