10 yard games, which do not know our children
A Life / / December 19, 2019
And I'm in the "house"!
- Do you how many rubies?
– 50!
- Wow! Pokezh, what's your mill?
This dialogue I overheard the other day in the neighborhood boys. They sat on the bench, and poked each other's phones. Looking around, I saw children playing in the "Dog" or charting field for "Slow and steady wins - on going." Today's children are, unfortunately, prefer to pound on the keyboard and sit in "VKontakte".
Yard games that we played all day long (until the "enclosure"), gradually fading. But most do not only develop agility, endurance and strength, but also to teach such important things as solidarity and mutual assistance.
I suggest you remember our favorite outdoor games and to add to them their children.
Hide and Seek
One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look.
Ready or not, here I come!
A simple game - you can play anywhere, anytime. Especially exciting in the evening, when the dusk.
First of driving is selected. To do this we knew as a child schitalok billion. Vodyaschy then becomes the face of the wall (trees, poles ...) and said aloud to 20 (50, 100 ...). Players are hiding.
The player's task: to hide so that vodyaschy found. The task of driving: find all hidden.
When vodyaschy is one of the players he needs to run headlong back to the wall (trees, poles ...) to "caught" it. If a player to be the first, then the words "knock-knock me" sets itself out of the game. Who caught the first presenter, he is leading the next stake ( "First chicken squints").
- "The ax-ax, sit like a thief and peeping into the courtyard" - shouted "caught" players companions when approaching "danger" (sit down and not put out).
- "Saw Saw, fly like an arrow" - shouted to tell that vodyaschy away from the wall and can be selected from the shelter.
Number of players: the bigger, the better.
Sulky / catch
Sulky - they catch, they also latki, they also Lyapkov, they also kwacha. According to Wikipedia, this game has about 40 titles (!) (In almost every region of the former Soviet Union - a).
At the same time, the game was unassumingly. The essence of the conventional salokya to catch ( "tig") players (if you drive), which scatter in different directions.
Rhymes (where without it?) Is selected driving. Players stand in a circle and the team, "I - Salk" scatter who where. (Often specify Playground - "Over the fence does not run out," "Then swing not to run.")
The task of driving: to catch up with one of the players and touch it with his hand. Before someone to touch, he himself becomes the "Salk" and vodyaschy turns into an ordinary player.
There is a variation of conventional salokya when driving, overtaking one player gets the player himself, but continues to catch up with the other guys with the first "greasy". Then they catch together the second, third and so on until all of overfishing.
Number of players: 3 and more.
Variations salokya:
- Tag with the "house" - is the same, only the selected area (sandbox, a circle on the asphalt, etc.), where players can drop in and rest there "tig" can not but sit long in the "house", too.
- "Above feet" - to avoid "clogging", you need to jump on anything and put his feet up ( "Above the feet off the ground" / "Sulky-feet on weight"), however, according to the rules can not be too long to lift up his feet.
- "Tea, tea, help me out!" - in this version salokya, "greasy" can stop, call out the magic phrase, and it come running to the rescue of friends, but vodyaschy on the alert, and there is a possibility that one "victim" will be added to the second and third.
- Seth - in this version of the "salat" is not a hand, and "sifoy" (cloth, twisted rope and any "skunk", which you will find in the yard); to anybody, he is sifoy, ie driving.
In many of the favorite games as much of naming: "King", "Pop", "Klok", "stick", "Bank" and others. Rules seem complicated, but only at first glance. Each courtyard has its own variation of the game. But, in general, its essence is as follows.
- stick (bits, pieces of rebar, but the most chic - a broken hockey stick);
- tin (plastic bottle, a wooden chock, etc.);
- chalk (to raschertit site).
First it is necessary to prepare the site for the game (about 6 to 10 meters). Parallel to short side pad every meter and a half lines are drawn: 1 line - pawn (soldier); 2 line - the lady; Line 3 - kings; Line 4 - aces etc.
From the beginning of the site until the last line - the title of the zone; from the last line to the end platforms - baker zone (king, pop, etc.).
At a distance of 5 meters is drawn circle on the last line, which is set ryuha (sometimes - for a brick).
First, choose "Baker" and set priority ryuhi churning. To do this, players put one end of the stick on the toe of the foot and the other rests on the palm, and then pushed the stick away leg. Whose stick flew the farthest, knocks ryuhu first; whose closest - the "Baker".
"Baker" takes a position "for the pot", the players - in the first line. Next bat players take turns trying to knock ryuhu. After that, the "storm" - the players running after their bits and return back to "ranks the zone." "Baker" at this time running for ryuhoy, set it in place and protects it. But his main task - not to "steal" the stick from its territory. Besides, he tries to touch the players of his bat and then knock down ryuhu himself. Anyone who "Baker" touched, becomes a "Baker" in the next horse, and the old "Baker" becomes a player.
For each downed ryuhu player raises in rank. In other words, to move forward on the field and approached ryuhe. In addition, each "title" has its own features and benefits. For example, the ace of immune and can not drive.
Number of players: not limited.
Many people think that the "classics" was invented in the USSR. In fact, it is a very ancient game. Already in the Middle Ages, the boys (initially the game was boyish) jumped on the numbered squares. In Russia, the "classics" in full play at the end of the nineteenth century.
On asphalt chalk is drawn rectangular box with a square and semicircle 10 ( "pot", "water", "fire"). Options for jumping and marking area, there are several. But as a rule, the players take turns throwing the cue ball (stone, a box from under the candy, etc.) in the first square. Then, the first player to jump from square to square and is pushing for a cue ball.
- №1 - one leg;
- №2 - one leg;
- №3 and 4 - on the left 3, right by 4;
- №5 - two legs (can rest);
- №6 and 7 - left at 6, 7 to the right;
- №8 - one leg;
- №9 and 10 - left at 9, right on the 10.
Then, a 180% and back in the same manner. I stepped on the line or the cue ball hit on her? I stood on both feet? Action continues to the next.
Number of players: not limited.
Playing this game, you can get hurt most of the ball, but the excitement of off scale. Especially, do not need to do anything for her, except the ball.
Selects "bouncer" (usually for 2 people on each side). They stand facing each other at a distance of about 10-15 meters. "Bouncer" stand in the center of the site.
The problem of "bouncers": to get the ball to all players (if you touch the ball, leaving the field). The task of "fire": to be nimble and quick and dodge ball.
"Fire" can catch the "trap" ( "potato", "candles"). To do this, you need to catch the ball on the fly and in any case do not let go. If the ball touches the ground, the player is considered to be "knocked out." "Trap" gives extra "life", which could leave yourself or share it with a friend.
When the command "fire" is another player, he must dodge ball as many times as his age. If possible, the team is back on the field.
Cult yard game. It is difficult to find a child of 1980-1990., Who would not jump at rezinochku. The owner of the new elastic rezinochki (it was the deficit) in the courtyard was the "C" and enjoyed great popularity.
Simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, you do not need anything more than 3-4 meters gum. On the other, in the levels of exercise and you can get lost (as a child knew them all by heart). Two players tensioned elastic band between them, and the third jumping.
- rezinochka on the ankle holding level (legkotnya!);
- rezinochka on the knee level (almost all coping);
- rezinochka at hip level (somehow managed!);
- rezinochka waist (almost no one has managed);
- rezinochka at chest level and at the level of the neck rezinochka (beyond fiction).
At each level you need to perform a specific set of exercises: runners, stairs, bow, envelope, boat, etc.
Number of players: 3-4 people (usually played by four pairs).
The game is also considered to be girly. The boys jumped rare, but loved to watch the girls. :)
Cops and robbers
Red Seal no one escape.
This is a fun game that combines the excitement and adventurous salokya pryatok. It is believed that the game originated in the XVI century, when the Cossacks protect civilians from roving bandits.
Rules of the game vary by region and are often greatly simplified. Consistently one - playing are divided into two teams ( "Cossacks" and "robbers"). Immediately selected "ringleaders" and is determined by the "battlefield" (beyond not play). Cossacks chosen headquarters and robbers coming up with passwords (one correct, the other - false).
Task robbers: capture Cossack headquarters. The task of the Cossacks: overfishing of robbers and "extort" the correct password.
At a signal from the robbers run away and hide, leaving the pavement arrows to the Cossacks were a clue where to look for them. Cossacks at this time equip the "dungeon" and come up with how to be "tortured" prisoners (tickle, frighten insects 'sting' nettles, etc.). After some time, the Cossacks sent to search for the robbers. If they succeed, they put the robber in the "dungeon" where he is not allowed to escape. The robbers, in turn, trying to get close to the "headquarters" and grab it.
Number of players: 6 people.
Hot potato
Without the ball does not do any summer. One of the most popular Soviet children moving ball games - the "hot potato". Its essence is as follows.
Players stand in a circle and being transferred "hot potato" (a ball). If someone hesitated and parried the ball in time, he sits in the "pot" (center of the circle). Browsing the "pot" can try to catch the ball flying over your head, but you can not get up from his squatting position. If a player is in the "pot" was able to catch the ball, he frees himself and the other prisoners, and the player fails to throw the ball takes their place.
In addition, players are thrown "hot potato" can specifically release someone from the "pot". For this, he, beating the ball should hit them in the player sitting in the center of the circle.
Number of players: at least 3.
In this game, usually played older children, because it is quite traumatic, somewhat uncultured, but wildly funny.
Players are divided into two teams - elephants and horsemen. Elephants are a chain, bent double with his head and standing in front of the armpit. Riders take turns with the run trying to ride the "elephant".
The task of elephants: stand under the weight of riders. The task of riders: jump as close as possible to the "head of an elephant."
If one of the riders could not resist to the "elephant" and fell, and when all the riders sat down, and "elephant" drove them to the finish line, the elephants win. If the "elephant" has collapsed, won the riders.
Number of players: from 3-5 people in each team.
This is one of the variants of ball games and the wall, which need to have fun, in fact, a wall, a ball and jumping. We played it mostly girls, although boys in the oncoming "war games" were not averse to jump near the wall.
On the wall is a line is drawn (the higher, the more interesting) - below it is impossible to throw the ball. Players line up in a row, one after the other. The first player throws the ball, he hits the wall, bounces, it hits the ground, at which point the player must jump over it. The ball picks up the next player, repeating the same thing - and so the circle.
Anyone who does not jump the ball, receives a punishment, "the letter" (l - i - g - y - w - a - a). I collected all the letters? You - a frog!
Number of players: not limited.
And what games you are playing in the yard?