What prevents you to become rich and achieve cherished goals
A Life / / December 19, 2019
What is your fault
Probably each of us once went shopping for a particular thing, but eventually bought something else entirely. Such impulsive purchases bring temporary pleasure, and seem quite harmless. But it is they who inflict damage to your wallet.
researchAttentional Trade-offs under Resource Scarcity, Present-Bias, Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting, and Fixed Costs confirm that we tend to take the short-sighted decision, because we consider them the only right at this moment. Experiencing a fleeting pleasure, we do not think about the possible problems that may arise in the future. For example, some are spending huge amounts on a short vacation, but do not lay for old age. Economists call this time preference (temporal discounting, time preference).
However, there is good news. "Over the last hundred thousand years, thanks to the prefrontal cortex of the brain man has learned to simulate the potential developments of the future - says neuroscientist Cerf Moran (Moran Cerf). - That's why people can argue, for example, about an afterlife, even if it does not exist. "
This means that, just realizing its own false deductions, you can get rid of them.
How to avoid short-sighted decisions in the future
If you want to build your business, to achieve a certain goal, or to work out some kind of habit, develop visionary thinking.
1. Put your hobbies above their desires
Financial expert Alice Tiffany (Tiffany Aliche) came up with an incredibly simple, yet very effective way to avoid impulse buying. She advises to ask yourself two questions:
- Do I really need it?
- Do I love this?
If you answer in the negative, the acquisition relates to the category of your fleeting desires and can deprive you of what you really love. After all, if you squander money on something unnecessary, would not you have the means that will bring you true joy and benefits.
For example, if you dream of tourDo not waste your money on expensive clothes or trips to restaurants. Planning for the long-awaited trip to help you protect yourself from mindless spending.
2. Remember, the less you spend now, the more you will have in the future
Participants in one studyEmpirical evidence on quasi-hyperbolic discounting asked to choose the menu for the week, including a fruit or chocolate. 74% of the subjects preferred a more healthy foods, ie fruits. However, when asked what they would like to eat right now, 70% said chocolate.
The farther the reward, the wiser our choices. According to Moran Cerf, if people offer one piece of chocolate in a moment or two a week, many will choose the first option. But if asked to choose between a piece of chocolate in a year or two in a year and one week, most people prefer to wait a little longer.
Knowing how the brain manages to outwit you, will help you make the right choice.
If you are at a crossroads, take the time to make a decision. Wait a few days, or even weeks, then your decision will be more weighted.
3. Give yourself a promise that you will not violate
If you are unable to resist the temptation to follow the example of the famous hero of the Homeric poems. In order not to succumb to the siren calls and avoid death, Odysseus ordered his team firmly tie him to the mast, and in any case not to release him.
This approach is applicable to all: from deadlines compliance to smoking cessation and the transition to a healthy diet. Two groups of subjects promised to eat healthy foods. First we agreed denied bonuses at work, if they break the promise. Second - and refused to adhere to the diet is not so in good faith.
Drawing up a kind of pact can really work and help you develop good habits and stop wasting money on nonsense. For example, purchasing a subscription to the gym, you will hardly miss classes because you will be sorry for the money spent.
4. Find yourself someone who will support you
If you do not like radical method Odyssey, attract a friend who is also trying to achieve some goal. Supporting each other, you will be able together to overcome the difficulties and problems. Or find yourself a competent mentor, who will help you with advice.
Making a decision alone, you can be so worried the problem, that in trying to solve it will create new ones. Ultimately this could lead to the fact that you make a rash choice. In this case, it will not prevent a look at the situation from another person.
5. Create your own financial safety cushion
Let's say you dream of your own home. In the long term this is certainly a profitable investment. But if your income does not allow you to get a mortgageThen think carefully about this decision. Perhaps you should postpone the purchase.
After all, some people do not take into account additional costs, such as repairs and other household needs. So, before you go into debt for decades, create a reserve fund for a rainy day.