16 complex skills, the acquisition of which will pay for itself many times in life
A Life / / December 19, 2019
The best things in life can, and free, but to get them often need a lot of time, effort and perseverance. Here are 16 skills that are difficult to develop, but it is necessary.
1. empathize with others
Empathy - the fundamental human ability, which many people forget. It is the ability to feel what another person feels. That empathy transforms ordinary professionals working with people with first-class, motivates employees to be a team, helps to overcome their apathy and to strive for something more than just a salary.
2. empty
It is very important to develop a daily routine, this will positively affect the quality of your sleep. Adhering to a particular order, you will be easier to fall asleep and wake up, and just sleep better.
3. plan time
The ability to allocate their time is now particularly valued. Unfortunately, there is no one universal method of time management. Try to find something that works for you and stick to it.
4. Ask for help
Learn to recognize when you need help and ask for it to be surprisingly difficult, because no one wants to appear weak or incompetent. However, according to
Smart People Ask for (My) Advice: Seeking Advice Boosts Perceptions of Competence. scientists, such a request will only make us in the eyes of colleagues more reliable.Asking Rights Council, we recognize his knowledge and experience, winning over its location.
5. Maintain a positive inner dialogue
No matter what others think about you. It is important that you think about yourself. But then, to develop a level of self-belief that will support, if you do not believe in the surrounding, takes a very long time. Therefore, a positive internal dialogue is so important. But negative thoughts about themselves, on the contrary, will be gradually deprive you of confidence.
6. be consistent
To achieve success in any business requires consistency. That's right, what ever you wanted to: play sports, learn something or finish an important project. People often stop their efforts to reach a certain level. But to keep it, you need to work even harder and be consistent.
7. I know one's own business
Interfering with the work of others, you will not help anyone, and just wasting your time, effort and money. You have no right to insert in my two cents, even if you are the most righteous man on earth. In fact, to remember it takes a long time.
8. listen to the interlocutor
At work, we are constantly distracting calls and messages, focus on the interlocutor is not so easy. If you can not focus during the conversation, try to repeat the last sentence of the interlocutor. Then you definitely do not miss.
9. Know when to shut up
Sometimes it is better to refrain from expressing their thoughts. When we are angry, upset or excited, blurts out whatever comes to mind. And then usually regret it.
10. Abandon gossip
Trust - the foundation of any relationship. Gossip and talk behind undermine it. Nevertheless wean ourselves discussing other is quite difficult. I have to miss important conversations, to move away from some people, and constantly saying, "Excuse me for interrupting, but I do not want to know. Let's talk about something else. " Still, do not give up goals, and you'll get the greatest reward - the trust.
11. Living in the present
We rarely are in the present moment. Most of the time we do not notice what we are doing, and think about something else.
We worry about the future or are experiencing because of the past, and it does not allow us to be happy.
12. Control your thoughts
To do what you want, and to achieve the desired, you must consciously direct your thoughts in the right direction. The difficulty is that we and our thoughts strongly influenced past experience. But do not forget the past should not dictate your future.
13. Learning new languages
This skill will not only career advantage and the ability to communicate with people from other countries. With a new language, we have a new view of the world, new emotions, new way of thinking.
14. Speak in public
It is very difficult for many public speaking. Even well-known businessman Warren Buffett earlier so afraid of public speaking, that he began to feel sick. To overcome this fear, he advises as much as possible to practice.
15. Be honest with others
Sometimes it is embarrassing to be perfectly frank with people, but that does not mean you have to talk nice, just to say something. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg advises to stick radical openness. This is the type of care about a person, when we are not afraid of his anger, saying the truth.
16. Be honest with yourself
especially difficult to admit they were wrong. But make mistakes all. And worst of all, when we are not aware of them and learn from them any lessons.