20 surprising things that you can shove in the microwave
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Adhesive tape or electrical tape
Polypropylene tapes eventually stiffen or lose their stickiness. But do not rush to throw them out. Send your tape or electrical tape for 30 seconds in a microwave oven (capacity - 000 W 800-1).
2. Sponge for washing dishes
If the sponge is still strong, but has acquired an unpleasant odor, disinfect it in a microwave oven. One minute microwaves kill all microbes in foam rubber.
Power can be set in the range of 600 to 1000 watts. For greater effect, put the sponge in a bowl with water, 2-3 drops of vinegar or lemon juice.
3. Cutting board
After cutting meat or fish board, especially wood, should be disinfected. To do this, rub it with a slice of lemon and send in the microwave for 10-20 seconds at 500-800 watts of power.
4. glass jars
that pickles and make other preparations for the winter, be sure to sterilize the jars. This is usually done over a kettle or pan with water. But it is much faster and more convenient to sterilize glass containers in the microwave.
For this purpose, the bottom pour water banks set the power of at least 800W and wait 3-5 minutes. It is important that the water boiled, and the walls were covered with the vessel "sweat."
5. White cabbage
Layfhaker already told how to cook delicious and juicy stuffed. In this case, the cabbage leaves is not necessary to boil on the stove.
Cut the stalk - it will then easily separate the sheets. At the bottom of a broad plate, pour water and put a head. Send it all in the microwave for 10 minutes if fresh cabbage, or 20, if the winter cabbage, hard. Power - from 1000 watts. By increasing the capacity of the time can be reduced.
After 10 minutes, remove the sheets of the first layer and repeat the procedure. To disassemble the forks completely, it takes two or three runs - depending on its size.
6. fresh tomatoes
Blanching tomatoes also quite troublesome thing. It is necessary to boil the water, dip into it incised vegetables and time to shift into the cold water, so they do not have time to cook.
Using a microwave oven with tomato peel may be 10-15 seconds. Power select high - from 400 to 700 watts.
7. candied honey
The more honey glucose and fructose is less, the faster it will crystallize. However, the crystallization process is reversible: put a jar of honey for a few minutes in the microwave. Power set in an area of 800 watts. However, this only works with natural, not fake honey.
8. Wax for hair removal
By the same token, you can melt the wax for depilation. This is usually done in a water bath, or put the jar on the battery. But with a microwave is faster and easier.
9. The soil for seedlings and house plants
Using a microwave oven can be calcined ground (as Ogorodnov or purchased), and thereby prepare it for planting.
To do this, the soil must be put in a container suitable for microwave oven, and pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Select the best possible for your device capacity and time for at least 2 minutes.
10. Soap
Not to be confused with YouTube-experiments with whole pieces of soap without water!
From the remnants of a magazine to make homemade soap can be. To do this, rub the remnants on a grater or chop with a knife. The resulting scatter crumbs of silicone molds. You can add a few drops of essential oil to give the desired future soap fragrance.
In each mold pour 1-2 tablespoons of water (depending on the shape of size) and send them for 2-3 minutes in the microwave. Power - 800 Watts. Need to melted soap, but do not boil. After that, let the soap harden and remove the pieces of the new forms.
11. Mascara
My favorite mascara almost no color and showered with the eyelashes? Do not worry! Usually it is not used until the end, but just dries.
There are two ways to give a second life to the carcass by means of microwaves.
- Place the closed tube in an oven for 10 seconds, the power - 500-800 watts. Attention! On the packaging there must be no metal inclusions, otherwise the tube to explode.
- Remove and place the brushes in a microwave open glass tube and water for 5-10 seconds (power same).
12. Stamped envelope
Collect stamps or just stuck on the wrong mark the envelope? This is fixable. To gently peel the stamp, put an envelope in the microwave for 10 seconds. Power set in the area of 400-600 watts.
13. Garlic
Clean garlic - rather tedious affair. Kinks are small, and these thin films always stick to the knife and fingers. But if you send before cleaning head for 20 seconds in the microwave (at a power of approximately 500 W), garlic itself literally jump out of the rind.
14. Onion
Another life hacking into a piggy bank under the name "How to chop onions without tears». Send cleaned bulb in a microwave oven for 10-20 seconds at 600-800 watts of power.
Microwave radiation will destroy the corrosive compounds in onion juice, and you can safely cut an onion.
15. Citrus
The juice from a lemon, orange or grapefruit is easier to squeeze, fruit, cut in half and send in the microwave for 20-30 seconds (average thickness - 400-600 W). Under the influence of electromagnetic radiation citrus membranes are destroyed, and the juice squeezed out easily.
16. fresh greens
A great way to keep the basil, parsley, dill, mint and other herbs in the winter - to dry. And if you do not have a special dryer, use a microwave oven.
Lay out and washed the dried herbs on a paper towel. Top cover with another and send in the microwave. Dried herbs dvadtsatisekundnymi phases at the maximum power of the device, until it becomes brittle. One party usually dried for about a minute. After Transfer greens in glass containers with sealed caps.
17. kitchen herbs
With long-term storage of bulk spices lose their flavor. Especially if there were changes in temperature and humidity, and the packaging was leaking. Warm spices in a microwave oven for 10-15 seconds at a power of 800 W, to return them appetizing odor.
18. Stale bread
Do not rush to throw out stale pastries. Wet and wring paper towel. Wrap it dried pieces of bread or a roll and send in the microwave oven for 10-15 seconds. Use with a maximum power of his instrument mode.
You can also "upgrade" the last piece of pizza or pie.
19. beans
String beans tasty and useful, but very long to cook. It will help accelerate the process of steeping using a microwave oven.
Pour the beans with water, add a pinch of baking soda and send in the microwave for 7-10 minutes. Power must be high - from 1000 watts. If your device does not support these modes, cover the bowl with beans a special cover for the microwave and increase the time.
20. Milk froth for coffee
The latte and cappuccino very tasty - milk foam. To heat the milk for these drinks and beat the foam, pour the milk into a glass jar, shake it vigorously for half a minute and send it for 30-60 seconds in a microwave oven. Power set the near 500 watts. When the microwave oven will beep, pour milk on a cup of coffee, and on top Spoon the foam.
Do you know other unusual ways to use microwave? Share in the comments.