How to learn to understand your cat
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Anthony Buffington
A veterinarian with 25 years of experience, a professor at Ohio State University.
Professor Buffington many years studying the causes of feline interstitial cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. During his research, he found that the disease can cause a stressful situation at home. It is therefore very important to learn to listen to your pet, give him a choice, and reduce the influence of external factors that cause the animal stress.
Create a comfortable environment
You do not give your cat feel comfortable, if you put a bowl next to the refrigerator, and the tray next to the automatic dryer. You can not hear the noise of the refrigerator and dryer, and a cat that sound seems growling monster. Put a bowl of food and a litter box in a quiet tranquil place where the cat will not feel vulnerable.
Stress causes not only sounds. Although cats are curious to other animals if between your darling and other animals (even if it is on the street) there is no barrier, the cat feels threatened. Cats do not understand when the glass, but understand what is the height in front of them.
Let your cat will be a place where she could safely from a height for all to observe.Anthony Buffington
Avoid aggression
Imagine this situation: you hear a cat sharpening its claws on the sofa, irritable, cry, or even throw it in the bag. But it is useless after some time she again assumed to be his own. "Your cat does not ignore you, - said Buffington. - She just does not know how to associate the punishment with the behavior. Cats have always been solitary hunters, they should not be able to read social cues of other individuals. "
Not being able to connect your flash of anger in an attempt to sharpen the claws, the cat in your behavior will only see an unexpected act of aggression.
From the point of view of the primacy of the cat you are unbalanced, who for no apparent reason to attack her.
Instead wean your pet from unwanted behavior, we just scare him. Cat experiences frustration and stress, because we are constantly interrupted her during a natural action. "Cats get sick when they can not behave naturally - Buffington said. - They all are still doing something for which you criticize them, behind your back. "
Accustom the cat to something possible, changing its surroundings. Obkleyte corner sofa double-sided adhesive tape, and next to put more attractive option: a scratching post or cat tree special. When a cat does what you want from it, reward it with something tasty.
Do not stroke the cat without permission
Cats, like humans, want to decide how should handle surrounding them. And you would feel if you raised all the time, touch and hold in an awkward position? Give the cat itself decide when it wants to be stroked. If it rubs against you some part of the body, so she wants to be petted.
But if the cat sticks stomach, this is not an invitation. Belly cats - the most vulnerable part of the body. Rolling over on his back, it shows that he trusts you. But if you start to iron stomach, you can bite or scratch.
It is not necessary to stroke the cat and at the base of the tail. At this point, a lot of nerve endings. Pat it - about the same as that tickle man.
If the cat curled up on your lap, it does not mean that she asks to take her in his arms. Pose in which you usually keep a cat, as if cradling her unnatural for animals.
Do not force the cat to be friends with others
Do not rush to make friends with a few cats. Teach them to each other gradually. To begin, rub them one at a time with a dry towel, so that they become accustomed to the smell of someone else's. Before introducing two cats, make sure that both feel comfortable: ate, went to the bathroom and got the hosts portion of affection. Do not force the animal to play together and be sure to provide your pet escape route.
Anthony BuffingtonIf cats are not interested in dialogue, not force them. We somehow think that cats want to be with their relatives, but it is not. In the wild, they hunt alone and do not fall prey to. But other cats do not believe your friends and rivals.
Strengthen your relationship with your pet
You care about the cat. The best way to strengthen the relationship with the pet - weasel, food and cooperative games. If your cat does not like to play, you may be doing something wrong.
If you picked up a laser pointer, not mashite her like crazy. Move the laser beam at a natural rate and allow the cat to catch him. The same applies to the various toys on a string.
Develop rituals of farewell and welcome. Before leaving the house call your cat, pat it and let them know that you say goodbye. Same again, when you return in the evening.
"Some couples do not communicate over an hour a day and manage to save the marriage. A relationship with a cat can be maintained by spending them just 10 minutes a day, "- joking Buffington.