9 tricks, allowing a reason to rejoice
A Life / / December 19, 2019
It is known that our behavior depends on the emotions. But the opposite is true: our mood depends on our actions. First put forward the idea in the early XX century, one of the founders of scientific psychology, William James (William James). However, serious scientific evidence we have obtained only in the 60s.
Numerous studies by psychologists to ensure that people are depicted on the face of positive and negative emotions. For example, volunteers are kept in the teeth of a pencil and their lips unwittingly evolved into a smile. Psychologists or placed on the eyebrows test dummy electrodes and asked to move the "electrodes" as close as possible to each other, for this had to knit his brow.
In another study, volunteers recited certain sounds or words (e.g., all known "cheese"). After which the subjects questioned, how they feel, whether the study liked. The results clearly showed that those who portrayed positive emotions, these emotions are really experienced. Using the feedback, we can literally turn the joy and happiness.
1. Smile
To deceive our senses, it is not necessary to stretch his lips in mock smile: it will not work. It is better to do this exercise: relax the muscles of the forehead and cheeks, let your mouth slightly open slightly; then strain the muscles at the corners of his mouth, as if trying to pull them in the direction of the ears; slightly raise the eyebrows. Your face should take joy-a surprised expression, hold it at least 20 seconds. Do this exercise several times throughout the day, especially before stressful situations.
2. Get rid of the trouble
Many of the "magic" rituals include burning of failures and troubles, recorded on a piece of paper. And there is a grain of truth. Singapore researcher Xiuping Li (Li Xiuping) asks students to write a paper on their recent bad decision or action. Some young people are then sealed the records in an envelope. Even this simple action made them feel better. symbolic parting with setbacks freed from the experience. Try it and you.
3. Learn other
In general, the closer together are the people, the more they learn about each other. As is the case with a smile, the opposite is also true. Psychologist Arthur Aron (Arthur Aron) gave unfamiliar couples list of 36 questions that they should ask each other when they first met. As a result, people feel the closeness and sympathy to the stranger with whom they shared their personal information. At the same time questions Aron does not touch any intimate details. Here are ten of them:
- Who would you invite to dinner if you could choose anyone?
- Would you like to be famous? In what field?
- Have you ever rehearse upcoming talk on the phone? What for?
- How do you imagine your perfect day?
- When did you last sing to yourself? And for someone?
- If you were offered up to 90 years to keep the body and mind of 30-year-old, what would you choose?
- What is your fondest memory?
- And the worst?
- What are you most grateful in your life?
- If you could change something in his life's journey, which would it be?
4. Repellent bad, good attracts
Studies show that, pushing something away, we begin to worse refer to the object, even if not previously tested negative feelings. Conversely, when we have something to move closer, we perceive this object is more positive. This feature can be used when you are sitting on diet. Pushes away harmful products is shown in the face of disgust, and useful, on the contrary, move yourself.
5. Use your muscles and posture
When a person is determined to have his tense muscles, especially the muscles of the hand. No wonder they say: collected will in a fist. As you've probably guessed, get rid of indecision and lack of will to help you tightly clenched fists. You can strain other muscles or simply to force to squeeze the handle in the fingers.
Social psychologist Ron Friedman (Ron Friedman) conducted an interesting experiment. He gave the volunteers to solve complex anagrams. In this case, one half of the subjects (on the instructions of the Rhône) stood with his arms crossed, and the other - with his hands on hips. It is surprising that those who cross their arms, were much harder. If they could not find a solution, they spent trying twice as much time. And those who stood with his hands on his hips, quickly surrendered.
Solve a complex problem? Cross your arms over your chest.
6. change of habit
British psychologists Ben Fletcher (Ben Fletcher) and Karen Pine (Karen Pine) studied people trying to lose weight. And it turned out that the rejection of other familiar patterns of behavior helps in the fight against obesity. Even a simple change in your daily route to work has a positive effect. Therefore, if you are trying to get rid of a bad habit, try to break the normal course of life.
Try food that is never eaten. Visit a museum or an exhibition. Try to go to different stores, and not only in the closest to the house. Watch the movie, which used for anything would not have to watch.
7. Treat yourself to a bit of comfort
The man who sits in a soft comfortable chair, and he is inclined to show the softness and pliability. By simulating the negotiations on the price of the machine, psychologist Joshua Ackerman (Joshua Ackerman) Some of the subjects are put in the chair, and the other - on the hard chairs. Those who sat on the hard, were more uncompromising and resolute traded. The result is quite expected. So, if you want to feel a little bit happier, just make yourself comfortable.
8. Drink something warm
Heat from ancient times it has been associated with safety and pleasant sensations, while the cold is always something threatening and extremely unpleasant. Lawrence Williams (Lawrence Williams) from the University of Colorado volunteers gave the cup hot coffee or a cold drink and asked to read a short description of unfamiliar human. Lawrence then asked: "What do you think about the personality of this man?" Those who received the coffee, assessed the stranger better than those who drank cold.
If you want someone to like - to treat him with hot coffee, not lemonade with ice. And do not forget to sit in an easy chair.
9. Feel the power of unity
A simple way to get rid of loneliness - do something in sync with everyone. Researchers from the University of Southern California asked volunteers some time to go up and sing the national anthem. Another group went to the same routes, but piecemeal, and they simply listened to the national anthem. After that, the subjects played a board game where everyone had a choice: to help other players or interfere with and win more. Those who went to the leg and sang the national anthem, more often chose a strategy of assistance. So, even a mechanical unity evokes in us a sense of community.
see also
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