15 signs that you have a healthy relationship
A Life / / December 19, 2019
We spend a lot of time discussing how to recognize destructive relationship that brings nothing but disappointment, resentment, and nerve problems.
Much less we talk about the present and fruitful relationship. Today we offer you to remember how you like a healthy relationship.
1. You complement each other
Think of a sports team. All its members work together and thereby achieve fantastic results, pooling their skills and experience. Such synergy is the hallmark of true and happy relationship.
If one hates to wash dishes, the other happily do it for him. You always come to the aid of each other. One complements the other. Your team wins the game.
2. you argue
No, not often. And not too abrupt manner. But if you argue, it shows that each of you have a personal opinion and you are ready to defend it. It's good. If one of the two constantly and throughout agrees with the other, it may indicate that he hides his true feelings and emotions.
Two people may feel that the lack of debate is peace and tranquility, but nothing good will come of it in the long run.
3. You in all support each other
There is no such thing as a part-time basis in the relationship. You are either in a relationship or not. In healthy relationships, both partners are fully committed to each other and the relationship. This means that you pass along through all the trials of life and support each other in everything.
4. You are no longer hide your flaws
Nobody's perfect. But if we persist in trying to convince someone that we still are this most notorious perfection, we will never not be able to feel really comfortable with this person, and we will never allow him to learn our true essence.
In a healthy relationship, we are open to each other and are not afraid to show themselves this partner, we know that he loves us, in spite of all our shortcomings.
5. You're talking about sex
To build a happy and healthy relationship, you have to talk openly about everything, including sex.
If near you truly love a person, then you will not be embarrassed. Lack of restraint - a sign that you trust the person who next.
6. Sometimes you can not talk at all
You have ever had a friend with whom you could sit in the same room and to remain silent, without feeling absolutely no discomfort? You could think about something and at the same time its just enjoy the company of a friend?
The relationship is very important: do not constantly talk to each other, and sometimes just quietly enjoy the company of a loved one.
7. With your loved one, you feel like a person
It is very important to maintain their individuality, not to get lost in the other person, do not adjust to it. Otherwise, one day you will feel that brought too much sacrifice, do not feel happy person and do not know what you really want.
8. You respect each other's privacy
Yes, you are a couple, and the statement "all mine - yours, all yours - mine", of course, fine, but do not forget that each of you has the right to privacy.
This means that you do not have to rummage through the personal belongings partner, must not read his SMS-messages or even in any way interfere with his private life. Remember that such actions - this is a betrayal of trust, and the happy couple by such rules do not play.
9. Do you trust each other
Trust - this is very important. Without trust, it makes no sense at all to talk about any relationship. If you do not trust your partner, you are constantly nervous and suspect him of treason. You can not feel safe when he goes somewhere alone or with friends, you are nervous, even when he goes to work.
This feeling will eat away at you and your relationship, so far everything eventually will not go to hell.
10. You do not have the taboo
In any pair will always be questions and the topics that they unpleasant, difficult or just do not want to discuss with each other. If these topics will be silenced, and their discussion is constantly postponed for an indefinite period, then in the end, this will lead to misunderstandings, resentment and other negative consequences.
Discuss with your partner everything that needs to be discussed. Most importantly, keep the conversation calm and respect the feelings and opinions of a loved one.
11. You accept past each other
Each of us has a past. Accept the fact that in the past, your second half was a close and beloved person and that person was not you, of course, it hurts, but it is necessary.
Do not be afraid to talk about the past. From the song words can not erase, and if you flatly refuse to even hear about that before you a man who once was, you simply away at a significant part of his life.
In a healthy relationship, as we have said above, there is the taboo, no senseless jealousy, especially to the fact that in the past.
12. You support each other in all endeavors
When you really love a person you care about him and want him to achieve success and self-realization. You support him in everything, you believe in him.
You are standing next to the man, not in his way, when he moves to the goal.
13. Both of you go to work on the relationship even after being conquered each other
In any relationship there is, figuratively speaking, the top, no matter how long you are on it climbed - you can fall at any moment. To stay on top of this, both partners must constantly work on relationships, to develop them.
If you are reaching the goal, we calmed down and decided that people have, and your not going anywhere, your union is doomed.
14. You are always honest with each other
Integrity - the key to any relationship, especially love. If you're lying to each other, even in small things, then your union - it is a house of cards that could collapse at any moment.
Be honest with your loved one and make sure that he is also honest with you.
15. Your loved one is not trying to change you
This is a clear sign of a healthy relationship. The other person should not try to change you, but your example it can inspire you to something that you have learned something or revise any moments in their behavior, attitude towards life.
But you have to want to change themselves, and in any case not under pressure from the other.