Personal experience: I found your recipe slimming after 45
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Jan Kurenchanina
Business Analyst and bloggerAuthor of articles on self-development in the magazine "Life is interesting!".
Just the other day I'm going to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary and is considered one of his coolest achievements victory over obesity. Based on personal experience, I have come to the conclusion that the inevitability of excess volumes after 45 - it's just a myth.
As I have 25 years of struggling with excess weight
I grew up in Yakutia and northern caloric diet for 16 years has become a pretty well-fed baby girl weighing 69 kg with height 164 cm. Reflection in the mirror I do not like and causes a lot of complexes.
After moving to study in Crimea for six months 5kg left effortlessly: moving to a more comfortable climate change in diet and vegetables and fruits They did their job. Two years later, a son was born, the load has increased and I lost another five pounds. I felt great! These 59 kg were my ideal weight, comfortable, both physically and emotionally.
After graduation there was a divorce and return to the North. A lot of stress, as a result - long-term depression and back plus 5 kg. Diet and exercises in the gym did not help. Second marriage, birth of a daughter - and I went back to where you started. Then I came across the book Paul Bragg, "The Miracle of Fasting", and soon managed to recover ideal weight with the help of a 7-day fasting. And I was 27 years old.
Then a new divorce and move to Siberia with two young children. Again stress and "spare" five pounds. More some time I struggled with them diets and starvation, but soon realized that the effect of such techniques and short-lived after a violent slimming the body is gaining even more than it was before. And then I generally waved, thinking that perhaps this my genetics.
I was not fat, and with five "spare" kilos was quite possible to live without torturing yourself diets and gyms. But when, after 8 years, I had a similar round to move to the countryside and stress, I returned again to more than 10 kg.
What is happening to me very much like walking in a circle.
The next three years I spent on vegetarianism and proper nutrition from the garden - at his home and outdoors. But the weight did not go, and even starvation no longer helped. Approaching the age of 40, I began to think that perhaps it's age and could not be helped.
After analyzing his walking through Hell for almost 25 years, I have come to the conclusion that the reason is not only in the diet. Facts clearly show that there is a set of kilograms always in a stressful situation. This idea was confirmed after returning to a comfortable place of residence: the weight again, he came back to normal.
Then I began to take up the question of how to make it to normalize all.
As the cause of excess weight found in the head
If you have a question, the answer comes. Suddenly institute girlfriend tossed a book Moussa Lissy "is made from the carcass figure", in which I met a curious thought: "All causes of obesity is in the head." The idea was that we were forced to overeat some harmful beliefs and fears, soaked in childhood and is not perceived as an adult. And if they find and fix, they will cease to operate our desire to eat too much. This idea fascinated me so that I wanted to check it.
I realized that I was strongly influenced by the fear of "black day", had inherited from his mother: after his hungry childhood she was always afraid that we will have nothing to eat.
Therefore, in our house was taken to throw out food, we had to eat up everything to the end, otherwise we do not take in the "Society of clean plates" (if anyone remembers a story of a Soviet book "Lenin and children"). It turns out, having absorbed all this in childhood and unconsciously reproducing this pattern of behavior, I was unable to stop and move the plate when no longer wanted. Necessarily have to eat the eyeballs, and this gives peace of mind.
My body always have your emergency supply on a "black day" in the form of 5 kg. But as soon as I found myself in the best possible conditions, it is, so be it, agreed to part with them.
What helped to find and eliminate the cause of overeating
After I realized that the "black day" for which is to store fat in the modern world does not exist, and not fear what can not be, "spare" kilograms of steel are not needed. It happened in '42, and the last 8 years, I'm in your ideal weight - 59 kg. I'm in it very comfortably.
Once and for all deal with overeating, I had a good rummage in their own beliefs, to find malware, which makes to keep to yourself overweight, and get rid of from her. It is not so difficult as it might seem.
1. Keeping a diary of food and mood
It is necessary to have a notebook, always carry it with me every time before you eat, write to the answer to the question: "What exactly I wanted to eat, and why?" I assure you, you will learn many interesting things about currently.
For example, I recorded this: "Upset, to set the mood ate the candy." Or "worry too much, I ate a double portion for lunch." And in a good cause must be only one: "I am hungry." In addition, I wrote down the amount of food eaten.
Around the end of the first week it is already becoming apparent increased appetite and revealed the main reason that causes the desire to eat. Each is its own.
You can remove harmful programs on their own, as I did, or ask for help to a psychologist.
2. Taking care of yourself
I believe that people in the normal state should not even think about food. There was hunger - eat, no hunger - and there is no reason to dream of a cake or fried chicken. If such thoughts appear, I ask myself the question: "Who is inside me asks cake? Who - chicken "As a rule, this kind of emotion is not worked?. Any stress or frustration. Then release the two. You can imagine the emotion as a wayward child, scold, put it in a corner and prohibit cake. Can inner child a hug and make up for his lack of love. And that's exactly works better than prohibition.
In no case can not blame yourself.
At least it is a meaningless waste of energy. And if you look wider, this cake is playing the role of a magic pill is better for him to eat and to be satisfied than deny yourself and stay angry. from negative emotions man receives damage greater than that of a piece is not the most useful food. And indeed, self-love are always works better than anger and violence on themselves. The main thing - be aware that you are doing and why.
3. weight control
My morning starts with weigh-in at the same time. And best of all no clothes - it's easier to keep track of possible fluctuations.
We are not robots, so that there is always one and the same for programming. Sometimes we want to treat yourself. Sometimes we want tasty or "something like that", because vitamin deficiency, lack of sun, love - and this list can be very long. So that fluctuations in the range of 1-3 kg, especially seasonal, I think it's normal. But as soon as I notice a strong tendency to weight gain, then immediately take action.
4. fasting days
For me, almost every Monday - the day of discharge. This means that I either eat only liquids, or add fruit or make yourself some light snacks such as fruit smoothies.
Usually my body quietly tolerate fasting days, because he knows that it is not for long, and I'm not going to torture him diets and fasting.
It happens that I feel uncomfortable in the day: for example, you need to perform some task that requires more energy than give fruit drinks and juices. Or cold, and the food is needed for heating. And sometimes I'm just uncomfortable because the thought of food hinder the work. Then I add a light snack such as dried fruits and nuts.
I repeat: I believe that when the food takes thought, this abnormal state of a person. This means that the body is bad, just today he does not need fasting day he gives signals you to stop torturing him.
5. Physical exercise
Find your favorite activity and is also active. I have this dance, skiing, skating, swimming, biking, walking through the woods. And I'm just a lot I go on foot. In addition to the payload in the body, all these activities should bring joy. If you do not bring an urgent need to be replaced, otherwise the body will avenge the suffering. It will be a fierce undertow that you do not need.
If you do not hear the needs of your body, then you have it, of course, can make forced to do what he wants. But then he'll just make lying on the couch and eat kilos of sweets to compensate for the stress to which you drove it. And you can not help it. In general, it is better to be friends with your body, than to fight. And even better, to love him and to hear.
6. The ability to feel their food preferences
A very important point - feel their desires. This is important for the whole life, but now we are about food. Before you open your mouth and put there something worth learning how to ask yourself the question: "What exactly do I want to eat and why? "At first, it seems strange to us, accustomed to eat at the same time that cooked Mama. But eventually you get used to listen to your body and feed it what it asks.
You may have noticed how difficult it is to convince children to eat what they do not like: they spit, pressed lips, hiding under the pillow burgers. My daughter threw out the window salads until I saw. This is all because children very well feel their desires as long as they do not accustom "is what gives."
And if you ignore their needs, artificially forbid something, or, conversely, to make, you can hurt yourself badly. Everyone knows that after the diet is usually added even more kilos than had been dropped. This is revenge for the body that you do not hear or ignore.
7. Own rules of supply
When you learn to understand your body's signals, it is not difficult to make your own rules slim figure and healthy food. In each they own.
You yourself will know exactly when you are hungry, what you want to eat and how much. Will understand what products specifically useful to you, and what - no. And you can easily opt out of the second, because the need will disappear.
I do not Salts and food in my house no sugarBecause I almost never want these supplements. In addition, enough of them in the finished products. And when I stopped, and pickle sweeten food, it has opened up a world of true flavors.
Besides, I do not drink alcohol and vinegar. They are harmful to your body I have identified on their own experience. For example, vinegar is present in almost all canned and pickled foods, sauces, Asian cuisine. When I eliminate from your diet all that contains this ingredient, then I stopped bothering teeth. Now I go to the dentist mainly for routine inspection.
8. Love of self and fulfillment of their desires
I want to finish the most important. To come to all the above, it is necessary love yourself so, in order for you it was a natural decision not to harm your body. You do not harm the person whom you love? And if this person - you do?
I was convinced on own experience: the idea that being overweight is inevitable after 45 - is a myth. The most important thing - the desire to stay slim and beautiful. And love yourself. And when someone you love, to fulfill his wishes - great fun.
see also🧐
- 13 applications for weight loss
- 7 principles of intuitive power, which will help to lose weight without dieting
- How to lose weight fast and do not harm health: scientific approach