11 vital truths from Bill Gates, which does not tell at school
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Life is not fair, and there is nothing wrong
In practice, things are not so hopeless as it sounds. I am glad that life is unfair, because it means that I do not need to have something that has my neighbor or friend. I do not need to demand the same rights and experience. For instance, if they wear glasses, and I have none, then in fairness I must also require glasses. After all, justice for most people means that everyone is free to receive the same, the same opportunity, the same rights and privileges, even the same treatment and respect. So, I can also ask for glasses, even though they do not need me? This is absurd.
Everyone has his own path. Do not be afraid to follow them.
2. The world does not care about your self-esteem - the world is waiting for your achievements, after which you yourself will feel better than
Self-esteem - is a consequence and not an end in itself. No need to constantly work on their self-esteem, Raise it. It should be just fine to do their job in their studies or work. As a result, you will feel at altitude. This will happen by itself.
3. You will not make 60 thousand dollars a year, just out of school
In the majority of cases it is so. Vice-president of the company, which has a private car and a plane, more must be earned. To do this, it takes years of hard work, so be ready.
4. Your teacher is not so bad - you just have not met their boss
High school students feel that teachers treat them too hard, a lot of demand and put unrealistic bar. This is because young people still do not have experience. They just do not know what are the chiefs. Next to them is your school teacher It will appear white and fluffy. Everything is relative.
5. To work in the "McDonald's" is not beneath your dignity
At school, students often predict a great future. There is nothing wrong with that, because everything is done with the best intentions. But this setup there is a downside - Today young people have a lot of unnecessary ambitions. Many believe that to earn a waiter or courier - it is not for their brilliant minds.
Any work - is primarily a great opportunity to prove himself. If you can not qualitatively flip burgers, why someone should trust you to manage an international company?
6. Do not blame every personal failure of his parents
It is thanks to you parents born. They gave you a name, and education, they bore responsibility for you when you could not take care of himself. But this time has passed, and you start to answer for himself. Everything failure and destruction that will happen to you next, yours and only yours. So do not look for blame in the face of those who really loves you, and learn and work on the bugs.
7. parents before you were born were not as boring
Your parents have become so, what do you know them, because of you. Their lives changed as they contain you, washed your clothes and listening to your stories about how well you're cool. Therefore, before you save the world, try to do at least that before this for you parents do. For example, to restore order in his closet.
8. The school may cancel the division of honors and Losers, and in life - is not
There are many instances when schools cancel evaluations, allowed several times to rewrite the control and re-take the exam - everything in order not to divide the students into successful and not very It is possible, as the education system is amenable to control by the person. In contrast to the life that flows by its own laws. And the people in front of them powerless.
In life there will always be winners and losers. And it does not change.
9. Few people besides you, interested in you to become a better
The school creates the conditions to ensure that you are studying, resting and developed. For each class - their time. But life is not divided into semesters. You do not happen carefree vacation, no one else begs you to study and learn new things. More often than you think the chief anyway, you are developing or not. When you cease to comply with his demands, he just fired you. Your development - only your business.
10. The media - it is not real life
I do not think that life consists only of coffee, shopping and travel. This happens only on TV or Instagram account. In real life, everything is much more prosaic.
Do you want to achieve something - to drop to drink coffee and to philosophize, go to work.
11. You need to be kinder to the four-eyes
Teachers are often encouraged not to offend nerds and honors, which are in each class. But hardly anyone of adults explain why it should be done. It's simple: it is possible, in the future, one of yesterday's honors will be your boss. You catch a connection?
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