What you need to get done before the New Year
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Thank you to the hated work
They say in the old year, you should leave all the bad things. Of course, this list includes the unloved work. If you were thinking for a long time to leave, written statements and hid them in a drawer, it was time to finally decide. Firstly, in the new year you enter is absolutely free and open to new suggestions. Secondly, exactly holiday vacation will be no calls from the head and a crowded inbox.
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Finish painful relationships
Here's how to work: think of breaking a long time and a lot, but can not leave. New Year - a good reason to do it, or at least try. When, if not now?
Independently decide to be difficult, so ask for help from a psychologist. He will set you in the right way, and the separation will be less painful than the relationship itself. Especially in these moments always close friends and relatives.
Forgive or say goodbye
Set fire sparklers with a heavy heart that is not necessary. If someone you have offended or betrayed, try to forgive or say goodbye with that person forever. Do not take a bag of claims and innuendo in your new life.
Spend a day with those who deserved it
Perhaps you have someone you love very much, but call and meet with them very rarely. Usually fall into this category are the closest: mom, dad, grandmother, younger sister and nephew. Hurry up before the New Year to free at least one day and devote it entirely to this man. For him, this would be the best gift.
Buy gifts in advance
Tip obvious and like everyone knows about it. But three days crowded stores before the New Year. Queue turmoil, lack of the right size and color, the fight for the last bowl at a discount. To avoid this and make the selection of gifts enjoyable, plan a shopping trip in advance. Set aside the necessary amount and release the same day.
Most shops are good discounts begin in November. Sold all the goods that are gone from the shelves this year. The closer in December, the less remains of such goods. And in the second half of December, almost no discount. On the contrary, there has been a rise in prices, as demand jumps at times. Therefore, Christmas shopping is better not to delay.
Catherine Streltsov, Director Network Store
Decide on folly
Parachute jump, spontaneous trip or tattoo dreamed about since my youth. Get out of your comfort zone at last and decide on something, what will remember for a very long time. And no "what if"! Then under the chiming clock, you just do not think that a year has passed dull and ordinary.
Overcome your fear head
Still afraid to fly in airplanes? Buy ticket for the next flight. Where - it does not matter. The main thing - to have time to overcome their fear. This is an occasion to be proud of themselves and a good story to tell at the holiday table.
Eat anything unusual
Walk on Fridays at a favorite restaurant and always order a "business as usual"? Change your constancy and make the most insane thing in the menu. Perhaps it will become your favorite dish. - if not, another vivid memory guaranteed.
Get rid of debt
This applies to both financially and work, study and everyday life, that is all the work that you started but did not finish. No need to enter the new year with the effect of the unfinished actions. Get out of debt, append all the letters, hand over all projects. As a rule, it takes not much time and effort as it seems. Just stop to procrastinate.
Give your home and workplace in order
To start the year in a clean apartment is much nicer. Get rid of all the trash: trinkets thrown away the good things that you no longer need, ask your friends or relatives.
Pay special attention to your workplace. Feel free to dispose of (or lease) unnecessary trash, update the office and slide the new diary.
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Clean the phone
All of our lives today is placed in one smartphone. Before the holiday, place the order and in it. Remove the numbers that just never needed, erase the messages that surreptitiously re-read before going to bed, get rid of the photos that evoke a not very pleasant memories.
Summarize this year and plan the next
Take a piece of paper and write down in two columns all the achievements and failures of this year. It is unlikely that someone 365 days went smoothly, so do not be afraid of the truth and admit their mistakes.
With such a clear list it will be easier to create a new, but already plans for the next year. Your goals should be specific, achievable, measurable, and really important to you. Try to put yourself clear and realistic time and think through a step by step plan of action.
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