4 surprising facts about how we actually make decisions
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Jan Dvoretskaya
Author articles on economics, business and marketing. Raises complex questions and answer them in simple terms.
1. Our brain decides before we realize
In 1983, neuroscientist Benjamin Libet (Benjamin Libet) conducted a studyLibet ExperimentsWhich turned the idea of whether it is possible to program the human mind.
Libet test showed dial with a rotating point. Their task - to fix its location at any given time.
When a person takes a decision about the action in the brain of an electric signal. The organizer of the experiment is recorded by means of electrodes. So tracked time conscious decision, the actual raising of the finger and a preliminary unconscious planning.
When we are thirsty, you are looking for water and quenches thirst. It's simple: the desire to which we realized was followed by action. Lieber experiment results showed that this scheme should be supplemented by one more step: before we are aware of thirst, our brain knows about it as much as 8 seconds. He knows and says nothing.
In 2011, another group of researchers scanned the human freedom of solutions using magnetic resonance imaging. Confirming earlier results publishedTracking the Unconscious Generation of Free Decisions Using UItra-High Field fMRI in the scientific journal PLOS ONE.
In the graph in sector A marked area of the brain where scientists have recorded a special activity during decision-making.
In the sector in the graph showing decision-making areas of activity.
- To redline - the person may not realize that he wanted to poke a finger into a point on the dial.
- Red bar - the moment a clear understanding: "I want to point out to this point right now, I decided."
- After we already see a conscious act: "I have decided to act now."
Freedom of decision-making - illusionWe have come up with themselves to sleep. In fact, numerous factors affect our brain, and this effect does not meet any of the critical resistance. We then invent an explanation of their choice and behavior, we invent "reasons".
2. Emotions win logic
Without emotion, we can not prioritize. They help to answer the question "What is more important?" Therefore, rational thought - that is, making decisions - without them it is impossible, and it is confirmed experimentally.
In 1982, the German economists have describedAn experimental analysis of ultimatum bargaining the so-called game of ultimatum. For clarity, in this example, it to play Masha and Pasha, who do not know each other.
They were seated at a table, and then gave Pasha 1000 rubles. He can share some amount of Masha, but she has the right to refuse the offer. Then they both get nothing.
Logic dictates that even if Pasha offer Masha only 1 ruble will be more rational to take it. After all, even this small amount is better than nothing.
In fact, it is not so. The experiment showed that Masha offer less than 30% of the original amount, ie less than 300 rubles, it is useless. Most likely, she refused, and both will remain with nothing.
Not only in the United States, economically prosperous country, marked by the "threshold of justice" in 30%, but also in Indonesia. In the latest study,Raising the stakes in the ultimatum game: experimental evidence from Indonesia Participants from both countries refused to accept less than $ 30, if the initial amount was 100. The amazing outcome, because Indonesia is a decent money.
So, the sense of justice - universal human phenomenon.
3. Hormones make us generous
StudyOxytocin increases trust in humans neuroeconomists Paul Zak (Paul J. Zak) confirms that an important role in decision-making plays endocrine system.
Experiment Paul Zak at the example we already know Masha and Pasha looks like this:
- Both get to 1 000 rubles for having agreed to take part. Masha and Pasha did not see each other and can not talk.
- Masha comes the message: "Do you want to give part of the money to another party?" Sent money tripled in size. Mary knows that Pasha may restore her much more money, and then together they enriched.
- If Mary is generous, the Pasha received from it has three times the amount and becomes rich. The game can be completed, for enrichment - a natural target. Who would not want the money?
- Pasha a message arrives that someone sent him the money. Now he chooses - to pick up all the money or return the part to the person who shared with him.
Participants are constantly measure oxytocin levels in the blood.
Masha's choice - a measure of confidence unknown man. Choosing Pasha - reliability indicator. It was found that 90% of such as Mary, the first participants shared with the second. And those, in turn, shared with the other 95% of cases.
What made the second actors to behave?
It is noted that the levels of oxytocin in their blood depended on how much they moved the other participants. The more money - the more hormone. The latter, in turn, affect the amount returned by the second party of money.
The more oxytocin, the more we are reliable and thus more willing to trust others.
In 2015, scientists from the University of Birmingham have openedSimilar effects of intranasal oxytocin administration and acute alcohol consumption on sociocognitions, emotions and behaviour another feature of oxytocin: its impact on the human body similar to the alcohol. Although they affect different receptors in the brain, the result is the same: both reduce the sensitivity to stress and reduce anxiety.
But that's not all. Just like alcohol, oxytocin stimulates human risk.
So now, when you embrace the excitement or the fear of surrender of the annual report, you will know that do: stimulate oxytocin production in the body and go for broke with a clear conscience and strong nerves.
4. Hormones save marriage
The hormone oxytocin is only in mammals. He encourages parents to take care of the baby, but also produced during intimacy and sets us on a peace footing.
In 2008, 47 couples between the ages of 20 and 50 discussedIntranasal oxytocin increases positive communication and reduces cortisol levels during couple conflict urgent problems in the Swiss psychologists laboratory. The couple were on the brink of a quarrel: the stress hormone cortisol in the blood was observed in each.
However, oxytocin portion saved any situation and adjusts the participants in the experiment on the search for a compromise. Cortisol levels decreased, and behavior change towards the positive.
How to apply it all to life
1. To be fair to other people
Even if your partner wisely realizes that cooperation you will bring him a lot of advantages, an innate sense of justice still will say the last word.
Here is an example. Ivan has a plot with pine trees. Trees can be profitable to sell before the New Year, but neither the strength nor the desire to do this at no Ivan. It would be sad and trees in the forest, but there is an old friend of Ivan Petr, who willingly undertakes to sell them.
His conditions are such that if he earns 60 thousand rubles, Ivan will give 12 thousand rubles (less than 30% of the total). We already know from research that the owner of the oil on it will not go mad and Peter: "I decided to cash in on me!"
So be honest and fair. This is exactly appreciate.
2. Raise the level of oxytocin
This means: to become friendlier, not grumbling all over the world and enjoy communicating with people. Less stress - longer life. And more oxytocin stimulates the production of endorphins.
How to do it?
Engage in favorite things, make dog, Go for a massage, dance or meditate. To drive away evil thoughts and take care of loved ones. Well, hugging and kissing has not been canceled.
3. Stimulate the production of oxytocin from others
Close relations themselves provoke the release of the happiness hormone in the blood. But what about work colleagues or business partners?
In his speech at the conference TED Talks Paul Zak said that rich countries with high living standards tend to be higher than the level of trust in society. In poor countries - on the contrary.
This is understandable: the expression of friendliness and trust creates reciprocal feelings in people. This is how the hormone oxytocin. Then people are more willing to cooperate and conduct joint business, less fear of cheating and generally more trusting of strangers.
To help the trust and reliability of the atmosphere reign in negotiationsYou can do the following:
- they spend in a cozy place with not too bright light (it does not suffer oxytocin);
- do not neglect the hands;
- create a sense of community and collective affairs (oxytocin is produced even in group sports).
4. The developing brain
If scientists say that the brain throws us determines our decisions and choices, it remains to make it work at full capacity.
The development of creative thinking and creativity, read clever books and chat with smart people - all this is possible to extend the functionality of the brain. And then he will make more informed and intelligent decisions.
see also🤔
- 25 errors of thinking, because of which we take the wrong decisions
- 7 strange things to which our brain is programmed
- 7 reasons to trust your brain