7 Simple techniques for increasing awareness
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Tanya Room
Co-founder of the engineering and manufacturing company Can Touch and the company "Motility", created a children's prostheses the 3D-printer. Profile on Facebook.
I must say: there is no easy way to come to full consciousness. It's a long way, full of overcoming difficulties. But if you realize that you do not like life on autopilot and half asleep, this can be changed by increasing the level of awareness. You already answer the question "Why?" I will answer the question "How?" In short, without water and esoteric.
1. Square
I propose to begin with this exercise. Make it right now. It will help you understand where you are at the moment in the context of the whole life.
Draw a square and divide it into 100 pieces. Paint the top square on the number of years lived. Bottom paint squares of 70 to 100. In Russia these years is called the age of survival, I propose to consider their time of reflection and contemplation.
Here's my square.
What remained unpainted, - it is your life expectancy, remaining active years. How does it feel? What thoughts inspired? What feelings are aroused? The questions are not rhetorical. Answer yourself to them, ideally, write down the answers.
2. Alarm clock
Start the Service, even if it rings every hour. When the alarm tone sounds, go to the window. Look up at the sky, down to earth, right, left, in the car, people. Who they look like? Look at his hands, looking around himself. What you are wearing?
Close your eyes and listen. Many of the sounds our brain filters. Hear them: noise hoods, voices outside the window, snoring through the wall, his breath. Focus on each separately, and now hear them all together.
3. Dear Diary
Keep a diary. Describes the events of the day, and emerged feeling, emotion. Do not criticize written, do not evaluate, do not pick the words - even as it is written is written. Be honest, no one will read it.
Make it easier to get started, answer the questions each day:
- What's good today?
- What I experienced in this feeling?
- Why am I done today?
- Who I'd like to thank?
- The main conclusion of the day.
Add to the list.
4. breathing practices
In any unclear situation, observe the breath. What does it mean to watch? Pay attention and watch the mind's eye here:
- What temperature inhaled and exhaled air?
- I breathe chest or stomach? And if you try the other way around?
- Do breathing sound?
- What sensation in the nostrils during inhalation-exhalation?
- What is the length of the breaths?
Focus on breathing not so easy. For the development of a skill you can use the app for a smartphone, and with it to breathe at least five minutes a day.
Applications are running about on the same principle. Served nice sound - it is necessary to take a breath. Served other pleasant sound - it is necessary to make an exhalation. Sounds follow each other, you breathe.
I use an application Health Through Breath of Saagara. Here you can adjust the length of practice, level of complexity, length, breaths, you can adjust the breath delays.
Price: 379 rubles
Price: 227,27 ₽
5. Braking
Deliberately slow down. Slower speak, walk, turn your head. Work out smoother movement. Do not hurry with the answers, reactions. Though sometimes brake to a full stop, to see what's around, who is around, like around.
6. Ambidekster
Develop both hands. If right-handed, do whatever left, and vice versa. If you just do not get everything, even just eat, holding a spoon in an unfamiliar hand. You understand that the last time was so focused on the absorption of food, when you were two years old and you learned to eat with a spoon. You can brush your teeth, cut the bread, open the door with the key, for the brave - lipstick.
7. Respect for the currently
Finally the most complex techniques: take care of yourself. Be aware that the physical and emotional resources are finite and often irreplaceable. Stress, fatigue, disease, nervous exhaustion and bad habits reduce the level of awareness. Healthy, slept the man who is in a hurry, live more consciously. He usually is in the "here and now", so happy.