6 Secrets of a strong public statement by TEDx expert
A Life / / December 19, 2019
These tips are useful for startups, marketers, experienced business people and all who stand in front of an audience.
Aynur Zinnatullin
TV presenter, a personal trainer on public speaking skills and TEDx. Profile on Facebook.
1. Find the main idea of performance
One statement - a thought. Sounds clear. But how to find the very important point if so many of them?
experts often fall into this trap. They have a lot of ideas in my head, each of which seems to be important. "We must tell all, otherwise I do not understand," - think such people. They want the best, but the show goes too confusing and fails.
Take a piece of paper and a pen. You need:
- Determine the performance goal: to inspire, to sell or to increase the number of fans a personal brand (subscribers Instagram).
- Record what people will remember after the show. It should be one a clear idea. For example, after the presentation of motivating the audience to remember that scary stumble on the way to a dream.
- Divide the sheet into two parts. In the left column, write down the most important thing you want to tell. Usually it is interesting details and facts. In the right column lock, without which performance would lose meaning. Recorded on the right - the steps to achieve the goal, and the left column is filled with detail-amplifiers. Your goal is to give meaning and became the main idea of the performance.
After the speech, people remember 1-2 threads. Filter the senses and do not overdo it.
2. Pack thought in storytelling format
After 72 hours, after speaking people remember only tell the story. If they do not, then you were in vain.
storytelling - is the art of telling captivating stories. Complex idea turns into a clear, if it is nicely packaged. Masters of storytelling become after practice.
There are two types of storytelling.
1. Motivating storytelling. It is constructed as follows: the thesis, history thesis repetition, a call to action.
Thesis: Do not believe people who say that you can do nothing.
Story: I got a TV, and six months later wanted to become the face of the channel. I was told that my eyes are too narrow, leading I'll never be. I began to work on yourself, stay up nights at the office. Now I got the job.
The repetition of the thesis: Do not believe people who say that you can do nothing.
Call to action: do more and better than others. Then you will achieve success.
Every story has a hero. He strives to achieve something. For the purpose, he goes on a journey and meets a monster. In my case it was the CEO. Hero fights with him and comes out the winner.
2.Classic storytelling. We tell the story of where the thesis blurts out in the end.
Story: childhood doctor has me disabled and banned in sports. The most I could raise, - the kettle with water. I have not believed and practiced at home with dumbbells, then I sailed. As a result, many are now doing, to take part in the toughest tests of endurance - triathlon.
Thesis: never believe those who say that there is something you can not. Then you will achieve success.
Your personal experience and international practice - the endless sources for stories. In the center of the story is to be a hero who is going through changes. They can not be a business or something abstract. Only a man.
3. Conquer stage fright
Most speaker worried about 10-15 minutes before the performance. This is a feature of all the speakers, from it can not escape. Humble.
Self-control is in three planes:
Body. The day before the show well night's sleep. Do not teach and prepare a visual presentation, only sleeping. Eat 2-3 hours before the performance.
One hour prior to entering the scene drink 0.5 liters of cold water without gas. From adrenaline on his face will appear red spots. The audience sees it and thinks that you're not confident. Water does not give this to happen. - An experience. We learn to swim and ride a bike. With performances of the same story. Important experience, I call it sintaym. This is the time spent on stage. Than its more the better. Optimum level - 10 hours. That is why many training sessions do not work. Leading says, the rest sit and write, and no practice. If sintaym not gained, practice live on Instagram. Four live on half an hour, and the level of performance will grow significantly. You can then remove the ether. The main thing - to start doing.
- Technology and chips. For all - a deep breath and exhale 10 times. For introverts - the struggle with the stress over fine motor skills. Take a rosary or a Rubik's Cube. Swivel or fingering. For extroverts - talk to someone for 10-15 minutes before the performance. At least on the phone.
Follow these rules, then experience will recede.
4. Fix common errors
Speakers repeat the same mistakes. But they can be corrected.
Here are my top 5 common mistakes:
- Score on training or prepare the night before the performance.
- Joke on the stage, if you have never done. Jokes - it is a separate instrument of influence. It is prepared on the script level and tested many times. No improvisation. Joke is really funny and without preparation capable unit.
- Talk with the presentation, but not with the audience. Do not turn your back to the people, or half-turned.
- The first 10 minutes to talk about themselves, to transfer certificates and regalia. On the main stage - the audience. Talk about him and for him.
- Do not set a goal performances. Beginners just go out and perform. Lovely goal to begin with - to make sure that after the three men came and took pictures with you.
Check your performance on a check-list of common mistakes.
5. Make the audience happy
The first performances go smoothly. Then, in the eyes of the audience less and less fire and enthusiasm, even though you are doing everything correctly.
Try these four recipes:
- Learn as much as possible of the professional literature. Suitable books, webinars, or chat with colleagues. The higher professionalism, the higher the ability to give clear recommendations.
- Try to make a presentation in the format of negotiations. Come shoot the audience request and, based on building performance. Prepare a visual presentation on general topics. Questions from the audience, tend to recur. This format develops flexibility of thinking. In addition, the audience was not ready for him, so reacts more actively.
- Watch for skin, hair and physical condition during his speech. At the healthy person is always more pleasant to look at.
- People come to the person. The content is secondary. find enthusiasm and gave him. There must be something in addition to the basic work. You will learn more on this line. "ABOUT! The same one that loves fishing / collecting stamps / swim. "
Grow. Then you will be more interesting for the audience.
6. Being human
Are you prepared, find the main idea, overcame stress and came on the scene. And then a new attack: the movement shackled, unnatural posture, and you're like a robot.
People naturally, when satisfied with themselves. They organize social status, money, social status, they are healthy and look good.
If the speaker looks unnatural on the stage, so he is not happy.
I worked with a woman speaker. She felt uncomfortable on stage. We began to understand. It turned out she had long dreamed of expensive accessories, but did not dare to buy it. She bought it and wore to every performance. With him, she herself liked.
Unnatural - that discontent itself. Of course - it's when you do not have to prove anything.
Cover basic needs.
Rules seem simple, but few comply with them. Work on yourself, prepare for performances in advance, be confident in their abilities, highlights, practice, increase your sintaym, then all you get.
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