5 popular myths about introverts and extroverts
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Introverts do not get pleasure from activities
They prefer to spend time alone and get tired more quickly to external stimuli than extroverts. But it does not mean that they did not like the event. Simply, most likely, an introvert will go home earlier. According to studiesThe Relationship between Extraversion and HappinessBoth types of people in the communication process receive the same pleasure.
Even the assertion that the introvert feel devastated after the event, is not quite true. Both are experiencingHappy Now, Tired Later? Extraverted and Conscientious Behavior Are Related to Immediate Mood Gains, but to Later Fatigue Happiness at the time of communication and tired after. you need to make an effort, and fatigue is inevitable for communication. It's not about introversion or extraversion, and in human nature.
2. Introverts always shy and extroverts - uninhibited
shy people feel anxiety, fear or discomfort in the society. Introverts just do not like noisy parties, but it is able to feel comfortable when communicating. A extroverts can aspire to it, but find it difficult because of shyness.
Why it happens introversion and shyness overlap only partially, and scientists do not yet know the exact answer to the question.
Perhaps introverts more active amygdala - a brain area that is responsible for fear. Therefore anxiety in social situations turns into insecurity and shyness.
But there is another explanation. Due to the fact that introverts less you want to communicate, they have less experience of socialization. As a result, they feel insecure when communicating. But this does not apply at all.
No matter what type of personality you are not treated, you can always develop confidence. To do this, Cultivate social skills and regular practice.
3. Introverts are not in need of intimacy and relationship as extroverts
Introverts need time alone. But this does not mean that they do not have the need for close contact. All the difference is in the number and nature of these relations.
Extroverts like to communicate with more people and have a wide circle of acquaintances. Introverts prefer small groups of people, it is enough to have a few close friends.
However, communication is necessary for all. According to studiesMental health and social relationshipsClose relations are very important for health and mental equilibrium.
4. Introverts can not engage in small talk, because they can not stand them
According to some reports, extroverted introverts often train because they like it more. But no one would say that introverts in this case can not do sport. Sport is essential for physical and mental health, and the need to train everyone.
In small talk, too, there is a need. Without them pereydosh to serious topics that are so fond of introverts.
You can not go up to a stranger and immediately asked his opinion about Nietzsche's ideas. It was small talk will help to tie communication.
5. Communication does not cause labor extroverts
Due to the fact that extroverts need more communication, all somehow believe that this need is literally pushing them out of the house. And if all of a sudden this man decided not to go anywhere, and lie on the couch and watch TV shows, he begins to wonder if he is not really an introvert.
But we all prefer the path of least resistance. A wish bleeders It does not make you an introvert. Any person needs to make an effort - to gather, somewhere to go. Sometimes it just does not feel like it. A fatigue after experiencing all the meetings because communication requires effort from everyone.
see also
- The whole truth about introverts and extroverts →
- As the extrovert and the introvert get along →
- How to fall in love with loneliness, if you're an extrovert →
- What you need to know, entering into a relationship with an extrovert →