New Punto Switcher with at the same time by Yandex
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Punto Switcher'om take a long time and successfully. Recently, the program is actively developing, and after was bought by Yandex, got used some changes, fixing them in the third version.
First of all it is worth noting that the program offers five onalaynovyh services associated with the operation "find":
- Find the highlighted word in Yandex
- Find the definition in Yandex. dictionaries
- Find translation in Yandex. dictionaries
- Find the highlighted word in the Russian Wikipedia
- Find the highlighted word in the English Wikipedia
All actions are hidden behind the same name item in the context menu. The first three services were expected, but the support of Wikipedia at the program level is rare, and the inclusion of its implementation pleased me. A little change the settings panel, the items become more orderly.
As always, at the height of the work with hot keys and exclusion rules. Hotkeys, you can even write in a diary the selected text. Let me remind you that the blog can be included in the record of all the words entered from the keyboard, as you can password-protect from prying eyes, there is a way to add text to blog from the clipboard. Diary - a handy feature that prevents your texts lost in case of sudden power failure, or erase the desired file. Unfortunately, there was a problem of work in Miranda IM, observed before: if you are running as Punto Switcher Miranda IM at the same time, the messenger tightly hang when changing the keyboard layout. There is a solution to this problem in the registry editing level, but could this error and take into account in the new version. As a whole,
utility I still like staying mandatory to be installed on all computers on which I work.