3 situations in which useful to argue with him
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. When you learn something new
Scientists at Columbia University conducted a studySolitary Discourse Is a Productive Activity. and came to the conclusion that the dispute itself to a deeper explore a new topic. Participants in the study were divided into two groups. One was given the assignment to write an essay about the merits of a candidate for mayor, and the other was asked to write a fictional dialogue between the candidate and his opponent.
In the course of the second group, participants were more focused on the problems of the city and the solutions offered by the candidate. They avoided unsubstantiated allegations and considering the possibility of objection. Conversation with a fictional opponent helped to understand the issue more deeply and consider it from different sides. And members of the first group listed just superficial merits of the candidate.
As a result, the second group has proposed a constructive program, based on facts and concrete actions, and the first cost with platitudes and promises.
Internal discussion helps students and people engaged in self-education, not treat knowledge as axioms or facts, and how-to information, which should be analyzed and weighed.
2. When you make a decision or want to form an opinion
We intuitively seek the protection of the arguments that we just loved it. Internal dialogue will become more objective.
If you are facing difficult choices in life, you can lose your head in a small trial, where you will be a lawyer and prosecutor at the same time. Consider the situation from two opposite sides, and bring arguments, perform further investigation and collect "evidence." Most likely, in the process you will find that you can take a little from each of the extremes and come to the middle.
This method helps to get rid of dividing the world into black and white.
There is no absolute truth. Try to reconcile the two points of view, to take from them the most useful and create their own truth.
3. When you are struggling with a bad mood
You can argue with negative thoughtsThat prevent live. Give arguments bad mood, and then try to refute them with positive affirmations. Not all people are able to take for granted the positive installation. Arguments against the negative, you probably convince yourself that there is no reason to worry.
The method is effective and when your fears are confirmed. In this case, the method will help detragedizatsii. Formulate the trouble that has happened to you, and then ask yourself, "So what? Which is really terrible consequences of this? Happened if something irreparable? "
The dispute with itself - it is a good practice that can be used in many situations. However, do not use it against the self. Separate yourself from the point of view or information that you dispute. Do not forget about self-acceptance, encouragement and consent.