7 toxic items that may be in your home
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Air freshener
What can be dangerous
air fresheners to help get rid of unpleasant odors in the apartment. Often we sprayed them in the bathroom and toilet - rooms are not ventilated. It is not very correct. The composition of air fresheners include phthalatesProtect Your Family from the Hidden Hazards in Air Fresheners - Chemical additives for flavor stability and giving plastic materials.
Phthalates are also foundThe joint position of public organizations on the use of phthalates in children's toys in nail polish, cosmetics, toys and plastics. Often they are not openly mentioned, and hide behind the word "flavor". Thus, harmful substances found in 12 out of 14, air fresheners, comprising phthalates which were not marked.
Phthalates affect the levels of hormones in the body: they cause in men testosterone decline and cause disruption of the reproductive system.
When you spray freshener indoors, means particles are deposited on the skin or get inside with the inhaled air. And along with them to penetrate into the body of harmful substances.
What to do
To come to terms with the unpleasant smell - not the best solution. Try to make air freshener made from natural ingredients with your hands.
To 100 ml of air freshener you will need:
- 15-20 drops essential oil, The smell of which you like (you can mix a few);
- 1 teaspoon of alcohol;
- bottle with spray;
- distilled water.
Add the oil and alcohol into the bottle and gently mix them in a circular motion. Cover with water, tighten the spray nozzle and gently shake. Done!
2. Moth balls
What can be dangerous
Mol to not eat the clothes in the closet put special balls. The active ingredient in these acts naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene - substances harmful not only for the annoying insect, but also for humans.
effectAre Mothballs Safe? naphthalene, a recognized carcinogen, and can cause paradichlorobenzene headaches, Nausea, diarrhea, and skin irritation. Balls dangerous by the fact that young children may mistakenly take them for a piece of candy and try on a tooth.
What to do
Pack the clothes that do not plan to get out of the cabinet in the coming months, sealed cover. Be sure to clean it before hiding.
Regularly clean the closet: Vacuum all corners, remove dust, dirt and hair.
3. Furniture made of particle board
What can be dangerous
Cheap furniture from substandard materials may contain formaldehydeFormaldehyde and Cancer Risk - carcinogenic, hazardous to human health. We are particularly sensitive to a substance people can start burning in the eyes, nose or throat, cough, Nausea and skin irritation.
What to do
Discover the quality of the country of production standards and carefully examine the certificate. Pay attention to the appearance and smell: acrid, burning nose aroma of a new sofa or a table - a signal that can not be ignored.
4. cashier's checks
What can be dangerous
Most of the checks that we take out of the store after each purchase or an ATM after a successful operation, printed on thermal paper. And in its composition have bisphenol A (BPA).
bisphenolMore than you Bargained For: BPS and BPA in Receipts A - a chemical that has a negative impact on the endocrine system, thyroid and reproductive system.
It can enter the body through skin contact, and when you take into the hands of the check, it is inevitable.
While many countries have made to the list of substances prohibited today, and manufacturers agree with the environmentalists and try to minimize its use, bisphenol A can still be found in the composition of the plastic bottles and utensils.
What to do
Discard the paper checks and do not collect them at home in a pile, to calculate how much you spend on food per month. Today, almost all committed transactions can be monitored via smartphone.
Download the app store and watch your online shopping. Install a mobile application to your bank to always be aware of the residual balance.
If you are afraid that the seller cheated on you 15 rubles, watch the price of electronic screen, until it breaks the purchase. You will find that the sum is greater than it was at the price tag - tell him about it. It will be easier than finding the discrepancy in the receipt after payment.
5. batteries
What can be dangerous
Workable new batteries and batteries with the correct operation will not do you any harm. We are talking about the long term. LeadToxicity, mechanism and health effects of some heavy metals and cadmium, are part of the battery or accumulator, adversely affect the kidneys, liver and nervous system. Among other things, cadmium foundCadmium and cancer. carcinogen.
Battery, lying around since time immemorial in the far corner of the cabinet, may be subject to corrosion. Her body destroyed, and toxic substances will be released.
What to do
Hand over used batteries and accumulators on the recycling as soon as they're gone. Do not store them in a gadget that is not in use for years. Conduct an audit and take non-working batteries in the nearest waste collection point.
6. sunscreens
What can be dangerous
Not all, but the ones which is composed of oxybenzone. scientists have discoveredThe Trouble With Ingredients in SunscreensThat the substance accumulates in the body and affects the endocrine system.
In addition, gettingSunscreen is proven toxic to coral reefs in water together with a protective cream on our skin, oxybenzone kills corals, destroying the DNA molecules as well as deforming them in the larval stage. The highest concentrations of the substance was found precisely in places popular among tourists.
What to do
Read the composition and choose sunscreensContaining zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as active components.
7. plastic tableware
What can be dangerous
As part ofWhat the Recycling Symbol on a Plastic Container Can Tell You About Its Potential Dangers plastic utensils may already be familiar phthalates and bisphenol A. Hazardous substances may penetrate into the body together with products are stored in such containers. Manufacturers get rid of bisphenol A in the composition of the plastic, and replace it with other components, but scientists are concernedBisphenol S and F: A Systematic Review and Comparison of the Hormonal Activity of Bisphenol A SubstitutesThat harm no less from them.
What to do
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommendsFood Additives and Child Health to avoid plastic utensils or packaging with markings 03, 06 and 07.
Part of it can be replaced by glass or metal. For example, for food containers, cutting boards, kitchen blade.
Unfortunately, we are surrounded by too many toxic and harmful items, the effect of which is now invisible, but can negatively affect our health in the foreseeable future. Become paranoid does not need, because everything is in our hands. And if you can protect yourself from at least some of the hazardous substances, it is best to do it.
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