Killing time: 15 games spanning "VKontakte"
Recreation Games / / December 19, 2019
1. The Hunger Games
An analogue of the famous "agar" game. The purpose is to absorb small balls, and rivals that are smaller than you. The game is controlled with the mouse, and a pair of keys.
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2. typing tutor
The simulator for practicing touch typing skill. With it, you will know your speed dial characters and error rate.
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3. 1 200
The goal of this game is the following: you have to send the balls with numbers on a circle so that they do not touch each other. The task may seem simple, but the tenth level passes is not the first attempt.
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4. greedy rabbit
Simple platformer in which you control a rabbit eating the carrot. Despite its apparent simplicity, the game is easy to make a mistake, after which the level will have to take place first.
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5. Pirates' Treasures
"Treasures of the Pirates" - one of the most popular adaptation of the famous play "Three in a row." In addition to decades of proven gameplay, the player will have nice graphics and animation.
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6. Billiards 3D
Three-dimensional version of billiards in the browser window. Available all popular billiard game and the opportunity to participate in competitions with live players.
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7. Crocodile
Analog known game for parties. The purpose of "Crocodile" is drawing pictures and guessing other players. Caution: accidentally open the game in the office, you run the risk of permanently frozen workflows.
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Puzzle games and quests
8. Mahjong. Duel
Collective version of the famous Chinese game. Find the same bone and takes a place in the table of records, ahead of other players.
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9. Mysterious house
Quest in the style of "find the object." The task is complicated by the fact that sometimes things are not where they are, it would seem, it is worth looking for.
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10. Quiz: the power of the mind
Quiz Answer four embodiments. For those who miss the once popular games "O Lucky Man" and "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." You can play against the computer or against live players.
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11. Guess the melody
Successor as telecasts known browser game. You can select a music genre and compete with other users.
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12. Mahjong. magic Island
A single Chinese version of solitaire for those who prefer playing mahjong in a calm atmosphere without considering time.
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13. Mind games
Another quiz with four response options, but rival this time appears not a computer, but a living person.
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Familiar games from childhood
14. Vormiks
Worms analog with live players, locations, reminiscent of the original, and, of course, a large selection of weapons.
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15. sea fight
Version of the famous game in which we played on paper in a cell. The browser-based adaptation can fight as with random opponents or with friends.
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