How to choose and properly cook pasta: a comprehensive guide
Miscellaneous / / December 19, 2019
Do not save
The cost of pasta varies from 20 rubles, and almost to infinity. Cheapest pasta, of course, is unlikely to satisfy you with its taste and views. Well, can not a manufacturer of cheap raw materials to obtain a high quality product. So, if you want to enjoy a meal, immediately look at the average cost of pasta and more.
Do not seek to buy only Italian pasta
Some will try to convince you that tasty and the right can be only pasta made in Italy. However, this claim can not be unambiguously. Focus on composition, appearance, and, of course, taste. To impartially evaluate the taste of pasta, arrange blind test, try the products of different manufacturers.
Rate color
Color pasta should be creamy or yellowish, but natural. Too yellow, too white or grayish color unpleasant signals about substandard products. If you see dark specks, do not worry: it's pieces of shell corn. But white specks indicate poorly zameshennom test. Such pasta can seethe.
The composition
Pasta made from flour and water. In general, no additional ingredients manufacturing technique does not. Sometimes the manufacturer add the egg, as well as artificial or natural dyes: spinach juice, beets, tomatoes. The latter can give pasta a subtle flavor.
Remember that the main thing - the quality of flour
Sure you have heard that flour should be only from hard wheat - triticum durum. And this is true. Pasta made from this flour does not seethe, and will delight you with a full taste. Besides these are the pasta can be eaten without fear of harm figure, unless, of course, eat in moderation.
In Italy, the law prohibits making pasta from soft wheat. In Russia, such a ban is not, so the pasta are divided into groups:
Want useful pasta - choose group A, the highest grade flour.
If the pack is not all written in Russian and did not understand, look for the following notation: pasta di semola di grano duro, durum. Semola - coarse flour. Grains resemble sugar crystals, rather than the usual powder flour.
But to finally make sure that the pasta made from durum wheat, look for protein content. It should be 12-15 g per 100 g of pasta. If the protein content of 10-11 g, most likely added flour from soft wheat varieties.
Shake the box and consider whether there is a pack of macaroni dust, crumbs and debris. Pasta from durum wheat is very hard to break, so they will be safe, but the soft wheat product may crumble.