The new tablet iPad Pro, Apple has positioned as a device for active work. Especially for this was presented to the stylus Apple Pencil, as well as a new version of the protective cover - Smart Keyboard. Now, in addition to the protection of the display, it also provides the user with a physical keyboard for text input.
The company's website did not hide that many users still consider a mechanical keyboard more convenient way to enter text, rather than touch. The new Smart Keyboard will give them that opportunity in full.
Smart Keyboard - full physical keyboard with a full set of characters and symbols. The upper layer of the keyboard is protected by special layer of durable fabric that will protect it from rapid wear on even when you are working. In addition, the cloth spring out bad beats the fingers, which facilitates the entry. Fabric completely covers the keyboard, the keys, there are no gaps and clearances: dust and moisture does not get inside the mechanism.
The company also joined in the same metal and nylon material. This was done to create a unique conductive material: cram into the design of 4 mm thick wire and all other components would be not easy. Traditionally, the lower layer which touches the screen, made of soft microfibers. It protects the screen from damage. Top layer - durable polyurethane.
Another unique feature of Smart Keyboard - the absence of any wireless and wired connections: here there is no Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth, or Lightning-cable. To work with the iPad Pro uses a special Smart Connector on the left side of the tablet. If you put the Smart Keyboard in the right position, the cover automatically connects to the Smart Connector and removes sensory keyboard: Input will be carried out only with an external keyboard and the display will only line with a set of tools for editing.
By the way, it was the Smart Connector reason why Smart Keyboard was not announced for other tablet: Cover with a keyboard can be operated exclusively with the iPad Pro. Perhaps the situation will be corrected in future versions of the iPad Air, but still enjoy the full keyboard can only owners of the new tablet.
It should also be noted that Smart Keyboard perfectly performs its other function: the base and the protective cover. The keyboard at the same time does not interfere with, and perfectly adapts to each of the options to apply the cover.
From the Type Cover Keyboard for Microsoft Surface Apple accessory features a touchpad, and the lack of need for the back cover-stand. Recently, however, both plus and minus. Surface In the last stand is adjustable, which makes it possible to expose different viewing angles. In the case of Smart Keyboard - only one option, but there is no excess weight.
The cost of the new accessory is actually quite high - $ 169. Price in Russia has not yet been announced, but at the current rate of the ruble, it can exceed 10 000 rubles. It must be admitted that the Smart Keyboard looks great and will be useful when you are working. And because it is for this iPad Pro and created the money to buy it is still necessary to lay the budget when planning the purchase of the device.