8 signs that you have a food addiction
A Life / / December 19, 2019
How do you know that you have a food addiction
1. You go there, even if fed
In itself, the desire to continue to have after you have already dealt with a full meal, not to say frustration. For example, sometimes want to normal after the ice cream steak with potatoes and vegetables. However, if it happens regularly, and you can not control yourself, it is likely that it is a question about the dependenceBinge Eating Disorder and Food Addiction.
The brain requires a new food portions are not for the recovery of energy reserves, and to get the hormone dopamine reward.
In severe cases, you simply can not stop as long as the food is not going to end, or you do not start to feel terrible discomfort. Belly packed to overflowing and seems to explode, if you eat more bite.
2. You eat more than planned
You are probably faced with people who are easy to refuse second helpings of something tasty. Moreover, they can not eat, and the first portion, if not planned this in advance.
For some, this approach to food looks feat. And if you take a piece of cake, and then find yourself in front of an empty box from under him, it's definitely addictive. Here works the same mechanism
Current considerations regarding food addictionThat in addiction: the notion of "moderation" simply does not exist. And, accordingly, speak dependent by eating a little less - it's practically the same thing as asking an alcoholic to drink less.3. You feel guilty, but continue to overeat
You do not just eat too much, but also realize that it is wrong and harmful. But remorse does not make the situation easier.
You find yourself in a vicious circle in which you are well and happy only when in front of you a plate of delicacies. The rest of the time you are suffering. Is not it a signal to go and eat again, to feel happy?
4. You come up with an excuse to eat
You have decided to embark on the path of moderation, but sooner or later the craving for food will have an effect. And in your head will begin trading, during which you will come up with a million arguments, why you may be violating its promises.
For example, today is a holiday, you had a bad day, which should be "sweetened" or, on the contrary, successful, and it should be note... In short, you have a million reasons to eat the forbidden, and they all sound so logical, rational, there is no reason resist.
5. You hide food from other
When the relationship with food is not quite add up great, you know, it would be better to hide it from others. You can secretly sneak to the fridge at night, hastily eat a chocolate bar on the way from the store to home, carry a stock of harmful products in the car.
This item is directly in common with the previous one, the only difference is that the power of guilt increases many times.
6. You are looking for excuses to break
Sometimes people quit smoking, especially creating a stressful event, so that you can return to the cigarette. For example, initiate a scandal with his wife, which insists on the refusal of a bad habit to get away with a clear conscience to the balcony, and then say that it was her fault, brought.
With food such situations are also possible, and if you are modeling a situation to overeat with a clear conscience, and then shift the blame on someone else, it speaks about addiction.
7. You overeat, despite health problems
Sooner or later the lack of discipline in eating habits will lead to health problems. In the short term it may be overweight, acne, fatigue, in the long - diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, problems with the cardiovascular system.
And in this case, binge eating will also be compared against drugs: do you know that your relationship is slowly killing you, but you can not escape from its networks.
8. You give up gatherings and parties due to food
At issue is no longer manage to turn a blind eye, and you start to avoid meetings and events, which may be the food. For example, you do not go to celebrate your grandmother's birthday, because you know that it is not able to resist the fatty hamburgers and delicious cake. And this will lead to another round of overeating and guilt.
How to deal with food addiction
hand over analyzes
Pass a comprehensive examination. It is possible that your food addiction is caused by disturbances in the body, for example in the endocrine system. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a course of hormonal drugs.
Refer to the psychologist
One may repeat the person that he has shown the will, but any relationship - is a serious problem, and solve it should be with the experts. Psychologist help to find out, from what you save with food, what unspoken difficulties trying to solve.
find like-minded people
there are "Clubs anonymous ..." for any addiction, where you will meet people with the same problem at different stages of its solution. Such organizations may be called "Club overeat" or "club Overeaters Anonymous."
It is important that members of the group is focused on health - physical and psychological. But the gatherings of people who are concerned about losing weight and cubes on the belly, should be avoided, no matter how they were called. Because your problem is - in my head.
Make a meal plan
It is obvious that you have tried a hundred times to eat more efficiently, Drew up plans and then be broken. Therefore, the one hundred and first ever should be approached responsibly. First, do not need too much to cut rations. If the body will not have enough nutrients from food dependency only spur physical hunger.
Secondly, choose a comfortable diet, but one that you will always feel full. Third, prepare food in advance and lay out on the portions not to be tempted to eat more than you have measured on the scales.
All this does not guarantee that there will be failures, but you will be a little easier.
Eliminate annoyances
Select several non-food ways to fight stress. It is better that it was not emergency measures and preventive, long-term effect. The less you are nervous, the easier it will be to follow the feeling of hunger and the inner feelings.