What happens to people during a digital detox: an experiment in the Moroccan desert
Devices / / December 19, 2019
Thirty-five people whose lives are inextricably linked with the mobile devices and the Internet, spent four days at the absolute digital diet. And it gave some interesting results.
Such an unusual experiment decided to hold Kate Unsworth (Kate Unsworth) - Head Kovert Designs, develops smart jewelry. The company's product line includes rings and pendants that make modern technology less intrusive and more visible, helping to find a balance between the digital and real life. Ornaments are synchronized with your smartphone and give to know its owner only some notifications from the most important contacts. Thereby they liberate man from uncontrolled viewing each event, leaving more time to implement their creative potential.
During the two years of existence Kovert Designs attracted considerable interest from investors. Quality products with an actual ideology at odds with a bang, although the Kate not to focus on sales. She sees his company as a research center that studies the digital habits of people and their impact on our lives. Most of the company - neuroscientists, psychologists and philosophers - explores how technology is changing the body and behavior of people.
Reading research on the negative impact of technology on human life has convinced me to act. Not just occasionally pull out people from the gadgets and seek to change the established social values and etiquette.
Kate Unsworth
With these thoughts, 29-year-old Briton has invited 35 directors and entrepreneurs to travel to Morocco, where they would feel the separation from civilization. Five neuroscientists secretly watching everything going on.
On the first day of the trip the participants to know each other in a prestigious hotel, where they had free access to smartphones.
The next four days the group held in the Moroccan desert in full digital detox. Scientists are watching every aspect of human behavior. They carefully studied the facial expressions, physical movements and communication with each other subjects. And that's what managed to peep.
Improve posture and strengthen relationships
After three days of digital "abstinence" of people posture has improved markedly. The participants stopped to lower his head to the screens of smartphones and began to look forward. The upper part of the body opened, parted shoulders and spine straightened. Participation eye contact facilitate closer acquaintance. During conversations people relax and treat each other more closely.
Improving communication
Separation from search engines greatly changed the course of conversation. These days, people with no hesitation catch any responses to Google to the smallest issues. Usually at this exchange of views is interrupted. Without access to the Internet subjects continued to share their thoughts on the topic voiced that often developed into jokes, role-playing and entertaining stories. The more conversations, the more interpersonal communication. Participants began to understand how there are thoughts of other people. Communication was an unusual, exciting and memorable.
Improve memory
Even a couple of days without technology subjects were more likely to remember minor details about each other, such as the names of distant relatives who casually mentioned during the dialogue. According to scientists, the full participation of people in conversation helps their brain is easier to handle and store new information.
Gadgets weaned us to store data, which at first glance seem insignificant. Although these little things play an important role in establishing links between people.
Improved sleep
During the experiment, participants slept not more than usual, but noted that in the morning they felt more rested and restored. Neuroscientists explain that blue screens suppresses melatonin production - the hormone that facilitates bedtime. They are echoed by other studies showing that the test phone before going to sleep adversely affects the quality of rest.
Improving the perception of life
Even a small time spent offline, helped participants to rethink their plans for the future. Probably, it was the most powerful result. Someone decided to change career or relationship, someone has corrected their views on health and sports. The lack of distractions allowed a more objective look at your life and place in her priorities. Clear consciousness helped the participants believe that they have the strength to change.
Of course, the experiment does not claim to comprehensive scientific research, global findings do early. But many of the subjects stated that they liked the experience, and they are ready to say goodbye to the gadgets at night and on weekends.
Do you agree with the benefits of a digital detox?