April Fool's already long gone (or has not come yet?), Nevertheless approaching New Year holidays, and it is - fun, good mood and occasion for jokes. Now I will tell you about a trick that you can oprobyvat on their friends. Especially well it will work with eager interlocutors. Everyone knows that using iMessage standard application can be sent to the other party pictures, but not everyone knows that these images can be animated. That's what we use. Here gif-animation, which we use:
You send any message interlocutor and forcing him to ask you another question. After that, instead of the usual answer, send them this animation. Since this is a common recurring image, one to one the same as that appears when typing in iMessage, then the other person will think you're printing it back.
Soon, impatient person starts complaining, why you've been typing. And the main thing here - to remain silent. All this time, the second party talks will think that you have decided to reprint a minimum of "War and Peace" by Leo Nikolayevich.
This method also works on OS X, if your friend will read the message on the iOS-device. Unfortunately, on the desktop you will see the difference.
Here's a simple way to make fun of someone, just do not overdo it and do not bring man to tantrums :)
And you played someone using iMessage or by some other means? Tell me in the comments, we will try together!