Tomorrow is the last day of winter, which means that you have one last chance to make a beautiful winter photo. Let's see what you should pay attention before shooting a winter landscape.
When shooting in the winter should wear gloves. Your red crooked fingers of frost is unlikely to decorate a photo. It is not necessary to take an example from a photograph located at the top, it is better to keep your fingers warm, but also to dress warm boots and wool socks, if you are going a long walk on the snow-covered streets.
Add color
You can take pictures of something gray on a white background, but it is better to find some interesting detail and focus on it all the attention. Better yet, take pictures of bright cars or at home on a background of snow-covered landscape.
Avoid direct sunlight
Direct sunlight rarely helps to capture the perfect shot. Almost always he peresvechivaet frame, so it is best to remove the winter landscapes, when the sun is hidden behind trees, houses and clouds.
Get rid of the gray-blue tint in photos
iPhone automatically tries to choose the best exposure, but it is not always successful. Therefore, when shooting better yourself lock the exposure or use an application Manual Camera for full control of light and shutter speed. If you have already made a picture, and it does not suit you for the flowers, it is always possible to correct numerous photo editor.
Shoot the falling snow
If you want to stay in a separate incident sparkling snowflakes, shutter speed should be reduced to a minimum, here you also come in handy Manual Camera. And if you want to get real snow band, then it, on the contrary, should be increased. Well, in order to remove the snow close-up, you should use optional lenses from Olloclip or Photojojo.
And what you have secrets winter shooting? Share your tricks in the comments.