How to charge your smartphone or USB-tester need each
Devices / / December 19, 2019
The smartphone is charging too long? the battery lasts for a shorter time than before? The device refuses to be charged by a non-native charger? In all these cases will help USB-tester.
Problems with the charge and the charger - eternal companions contemporary gadzhetomana. Poor charging? Whether charging cord does not pass enough current, the charger is unable to create the necessary current strength. And if the low quickly? Either the insufficient charge of the charger, or the battery has poor quality.
Unfortunately, identify the cause of problems encountered quite difficult on the eyes. In order not to mess with the purchase of expensive equipment, enough to buy one of the many options Chinese USB-tester.
a device the size of a normal USB flash drive will help to identify the cause of problems. Depending on the model on its screen may appear mass information. In the most simple - the current power settings. In the more advanced models may have different functions: capacitance measurement, testing, battery chargers, the charging process analysis. There are models that can disable a part of USB-ports of contacts and see what happens.
In addition, a large number of charging and USB-laces are not suitable for charging smartphones and tablets today: do not match on the current force. Necessary for many devices 1.5-2 amps provide only some particularly successful copies or products trusted manufacturers (which are always faked). Here tester handy.
To operate the device is quite simple. The Internet (and on the native charge the device) may be found necessary for the correct charging parameters gadget. Then, one end of the cord is connected to the charger, the second - to the tester. And, of course, to the DUT. It begins the battery charging process, during which the tester indicates the parameters of interest to us: the voltage and current. Thus it is possible to determine whether the parameters are sufficient for fast and proper charging device.
If you charge a completely discharged smartphone or other gadget and at the same time measure the time it is possible to calculate the actual battery capacity. (Some models indicate the testers immediately passed through them in charge of the desired value.) This will tell exactly whether it is time to replace the battery.
Because of the small size and low price, such a device should be advised not only gadzhetomanam and geeks, but in general to all users of portable electronics. More than in the economy will be.
Acquire advanced version of the tester can be, for example, here. In Russia, a rather large variety of such devices in stores selling smart chargers, for example here.