Cheap and multifunctional external batteries on the penlight batteries
Devices / / December 19, 2019
Any Power Bank repositories possess a charge in the form of lithium polymer batteries (LiPo). Or proprietary (similar to those used in phones and cameras), or a standard. Under the standard we mean those that are similar to regular AA (penlight) or AAA (mizinchikovye). They only like them because the batteries of these sizes, which can be found in local stores, are based on connections nickel (NiMH) and have a much smaller capacity (although this does not preclude their use in cheap external batteries and other smartphones gadgets).
Some manufacturers offer chargers quite interesting solutions that combine charging the batteries and their further use for the transmission of the saved charge other devices. Quite handy and useful thing for emergency resuscitation of the discharge unit. With it, you can use regular batteries bought in the transition or kiosk.
In the Russian market (and in the nearby vicinity of the Chinese) it is worth noting the following models.
Miller ML-102
Chinese device for a battery, which with a small refining a file (necessary to cut the side walls) is able to charge even protected lithium polymer battery. (Such flashlights familiar fans and radio controlled models and differ somewhat larger in length and thickness as compared with standard sizes AA and AAA.)
It has two ports: USB and micro-USB. The first - for their own charge, the second - to charge other devices in the Power Bank mode. Supports heap sizes for Charging: Li-ion 18 650, 26 650 (with spacers 10 430 14 500 16 340 17 335 17 500 and 18 500). You can try the usual nickel, but at your own risk. To charge the "cans" submits 1200 mA, but is able to give a USB 1.3 A to 2.1 A - to shake even the most fastidious tablets.
Furthermore, it may be used for one-time charging of the network 220 and the battery, and another gadget. There is a protection, triggered when polarity.
The most common variant of this MFP is on FastTech, DealeXtreme and AliExpress.
Klarus CH1
Another gadget for only "banks". Unlike the previous one, can be charged and LiPo (10 440-26 650, constant current charging), and NiMH AA, AAA, C (charging pulse current). Is a "smart" charging - able to recover the old batteries, apply the correct voltage. Have overcharge protection, overcurrent and self-locking.
Similar to the previous features two ports with the same purpose. Unfortunately, it can give only 1 A, so it is not suitable for charging a particularly voracious pieces. In addition, the same current charges the batteries, identified as serviceable, and it is quite a lot and can lead to significant heat.
You can buy, for example, Banggood or AliExpress.
Klarus C2
Almost completely identical to the previous charge, but on two batteries. Matches and a list of supported sizes. It is able to apply the necessary voltage to only one slot. Besides able to charge "banks" current of 0.5 A and give as 1 A and 2.1 A.
Find possible on Banggood.
Similar devices, despite the many disadvantages, are convenient and practical. Average user, they may not be useful. But those in whose pockets is always a pair of AA / AAA batteries, or those who have one or another device that uses such batteries / accumulators, uniquely useful.
Multi-functional and cheap. For comparison, consider the option box with access to create their like Power Bank this. But then on the function of the charger will have to forget, and devaysa costs would be comparable.