In the blog of Alex Moskaliuk published a wonderful and very fresh tips on the choice of restaurants to visit. The author warns that the tips are more suitable for the US, but we feel that we are working. Those who often eat in the city, speak out - as far as these tips are realistic for you?
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- In the restaurant with a small menu (usually pathetic Michelin-point) it makes sense to order something unusual. The process of creating the menu there is akin to the thesis defense, and if the menu has got something non-standard, it is clearly not there for nothing, and certainly is a signature dish of the chef. Any such restaurant will also add a couple of "convenience foods" for those who are not inclined to experiment, but always order a steak or chicken.
- Restaurant with a lot of beautiful women attracted a large number of men, who tend to spend money on cocktails, neglecting food, ordering something in common. Owner and manager of the restaurant react to this ruble by hiring a second bartender and without spending much resources in the search for a chef.
- Cheap places will cook more unusual food. If you want to experiment, it is not necessary to break into the pretentious places in the city center. The risk of disgrace for the popular restaurants is so great that no one will radically redraw the menu. Small restaurant on the outskirts boast a low-rent, and if a chef instead of Mexican cuisine will want to twist the land, the result can be something original. In New York, any restaurant with an address on the Street will pay lower rents than the restaurant on the Avenue (a couple of straights, probably will fall into the list of exceptions).
- Restaurants at hotels generally underpaid in terms of rent, as do a very attractive hotel for a total culinary quality of output may exceed expectations.