Privacy Badger - extension of the ban on the web browser tracking
Browsers / / December 19, 2019
Privacy Badger - a reliable and proven tool that will help you maintain the privacy of the Internet.
The companies that collect data about network users habits, there is no interest to you personally. They need data about millions of users to their rascchityvat based on typical patterns of behavior and conduct effective campaigns.
To collect the information necessary to solve two problems. The first is to identify users. It is solved by assigning each browser a special identifier that is created on its basis digital print.
The second task is to track user's movement. To do this, they use different technologies, including scripts, and a cookie trackers embedded in the code of web pages.
Many people do not see any problem in the fact that they should continually go digital sleuths. Others, on the contrary, is so concerned about this that are developing special tools that make it difficult to collect information.
Expanding Privacy Badger developed Electronic Frontier Foundation (Electronic Frontier Foundation, EFF), which was established to protect the rights of users to private life in connection with the advent of modern technology.
After installing the browser extension panel displays an icon with the display number locked elements. Do not be surprised if at first they will not. The fact that the Privacy Badger is capable of self-learning. If the extension can see that on each opening your site meets the same foreign elements, it begins to block it. Therefore, after some time the icon is more and more often will show red figures.
If you do not trust the built-in algorithms, you can specify your own extension, any trackers to block, and what - no. To do this, move the slider next to the corresponding item in the leftmost position.
Privacy Badger - a reliable and proven tool that helps you keep your privacy and will not allow advertising systems to collect data about your movements on the web history. It is recommended to install.
Price: 0
Developer: developer
Price: Free
Price: Free