Additor - a new web service to organize your notes and links
Web Services Browsers / / December 19, 2019
How it works
The authors call Additor hybrid of such popular services like Evernote and Pocket. With it, you can create a user-friendly structured collection of links to websites, videos or articles and supplement them with text notes, task lists and quotations.
To replenish the collection with new content can be directly on Additor site. But downloading the extension for Chrome, you'll get several advantages: can add links in a single click on the special button and just as quickly to maintain the selected text from the articles as citations.
Service allows you to invite friends and work together with the collection.
Organize notes and links
Additor will offer you some of the structural elements to organize data. To add a note or reference, you first need to create a new section, or select a preset (Project), then subsection (Post), which finally can place content. Initially, such a hierarchy is easy to get confused, but as the addiction it will seem more and more convenient and simple.
Posts can be assigned to the thematic categories and links - to mark tags. These tools, along with a search function helps you quickly find the desired data.
You can adjust the relative position of notes and links in every post, dragging them with the cursor. Similarly, movement of the working stations between projects. With these flexible features, you can always change the structure of the collection.
Additor makes a good impression, but there are nuances that should bring to mind. For example, the user can not be edited by categories and tags. In addition, the site as one of the chips is declared integration with the cloud drive, but this function will not. Also, the service does not have enough applications for mobile platforms.
However, so far we only beta version is available, so Additor still all ahead. Given a good start, I want to believe in the success of the project.
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