Qlearly - beautiful and useful extension to work with tabs
Browsers / / December 19, 2019
For those who appreciate style, rich functionality and simple interface.
Now browsers have a special field for the tabs, which we register all the sites where there is something interesting. However, when they become very much, the top margin is not enough. If you, too, can not sort the list of your favorite sites, we recommend you try the extension Qlearly.
Expanding meets user home page with four standard speakers. The first will be all of the current users' bookmarks in the browser, and the other three - templates by Qlearly developers.
To make a new column, you just need to click on the huge button Tap to Create Cloumn. Move column may be holding one of them with the mouse. Links can be added by clicking on the Add button to expand the window.
For those who have this window will not be enough to Qlearly can create multiple boards. To switch between them, click on the icon with a house.
In addition, Qlearly can make a list of tasks or take notes. To do this, create a new column, click on the three dots in its upper-right corner and select Create Task or Create Note.
Note that provided not only the name, but also a text editor for notes Qlearly. To access it, just click the new note and write.
Access to all the pages remain not only in the expansion box. If you click on Qlearly icon, you can immediately open the saved desired tab or save the current URL-address.
We suggest you make an account right away if you are going to use the service. Then you can sync all your notes, tasks, and bookmarks between different devices, and access to dark mode.
Qlearly turned out very beautiful and functional tool for working with tabs. But if you need something simpler, we recommend to look at the Workona, Cluster or a plurality of other extensions.
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