Google Maps is by far one of the most convenient and functional mapping systems. The developers do not get tired to add this service and associated mobile applications more and more new features. On the most recent of them, you will learn from this article.
1. Sending point coordinates from Google Maps on your smartphone
Very often we use to search for any place online Google Maps version on your computer or a laptop, and then want to save the results on a mobile device for later use. Now pass the coordinates of any point from Google Maps web-based version on the smartphone by pressing just one button.
Simply put a label on the map, and then appeared in the left panel, click "Send to a mobile device." After that, the smartphone comes a pop-up notification to the place name. Tap on the notification will open the mobile version of Google Maps with the correct label.
2. View the history of their movements
It's no secret that Google collects information about each of our step. She does this, of course, only for our own good and for the provision of more services of higher quality. An interesting example of such a function has appeared recently in the mobile version of Google Maps called "Timeline". You can find this item in the menu on the left pane.
Here is a history of your movements and location by date. It is interesting that the tool "Timeline" displays not only directions, but also the way of movement, made photos and other information.
3. Their names on the map
Latest version of Google Maps for Android contains another unobtrusive but functional innovation. Now you can give anywhere on the map your own name. This feature is especially useful for travelers who find it difficult to remember addresses of hotels, museums and other places of interest in a foreign language.
To access this feature tapnite at the right point in Google Maps, then open the card of this place. Here, tap the menu button (three dots on top) and select "Change Name". On the next page, type the new name of the selected place. Subsequently, you can quickly find all these points in "Your places."
Price: Free
Price: Free