How to save on your Android mobile traffic
Android / / December 19, 2019
Every year during the holiday season again and again the question arises saving mobile traffic. This is due to the fact that if in normal times we use our smartphones in the usual way and in a familiar, does not herald any surprises tariff plan, then during vacation time, especially if you spend it abroad, our electronic gadgets used at all differently. We no longer look at the electronic card verifies the schedules of trains and planes, download information on attractions, post photos, communicate on Skype. As a result, mobile data traffic flow is breaking all records, and after them, make an unpleasant surprise and came account.
Therefore, in order not to impose themselves in extra expenditure, it is better to take care of ways to minimize mobile traffic. On some of them you will learn from this article.
Turn off the mobile interface
The most simple, but at the same time the most effective way. Many users, especially not too versed in all of these technologies do not even bother switching various incomprehensible buttons, which are they always in the ON position. Therefore, before you go abroad, take a few minutes, get in the system settings option and turn off the mobile interface. Remember where he was, and is activated only when you need something to look online.
Use data compression in Chrome or Opera
The mobile versions of Chrome, and Opera browsers, there is the possibility of including data compression, which is quite effective in reducing bandwidth consumption. In this case, all information transmitted by you passed previously through special servers that compress the images. As a result, you browse the pages will load much faster and easier to weigh. Note, however, that while some sites, especially those requiring authorization, may stop working.
Install Opera Max
Opera Max application specially created to save bandwidth. With it, you can not only find out which programs on your phone consume the most data, but also significantly cut back their. Opera Max squeezes videos, photos and other images, with it works for virtually any application on your phone, not just for the browser. In addition, using the Opera Max, you can specify which applications can use the mobile data interface, and which will be able to use only Wi-Fi.
Try to use Facebook for free
Many mobile operators provide free access to Faceboook. In this case, the data that you get when viewing the social network, free of charge and are not included in your monthly limit of free megabytes. To check if your provider offers this feature, just add the address bar of the digit 0 (zero) to get the following address:
Monitor the quality of the video
One of the most trafikoomkih sessions is watching a video, and a champion on this indicator usually becomes YouTube applications. If it is absolutely impossible to give up the view, then at least reduce the quality of the reproduced videos. To do this, go to the client's preferences and check the box "Limit mobile data usage."
Reduce the quality of streaming audio
Online radio for a long time successfully displace conventional FM-broadcasting, and for many in general is the only source of music. So if you, in spite of everything, want to use the services of your favorite strimingovogo service is good enough to be found in the corresponding setup settings are responsible for the quality of audio. For example, in the Google Play Music client can choose the quality of the audio stream for mobile connections, and in the popular program for listening to online radio TuneIn available choices Stream.
Look for free Wi-Fi
Open wireless networks are everywhere, you just have to know how and where to find them. And the list of these places is not limited to zones of airports and popular cafes. Free program Free Zone is aware of the existence of thousands of public Wi-Fi networks in virtually any city in the world and will help you find them in the vicinity of itself.
Cache card
Another absorber mobile traffic - it's your mapping program. If you use Google Maps, take care to keep the pre-cached map areas that you need. Better yet, start using one of the programs that were originally able to work without an Internet connection, for example OsmAnd.
Price: Free
Reduce the size of images
Camera almost all modern mobile phones are able to do multi-pixel images that have a lot of space. So before you send them on Google+, or Facebook - and something tells me that such a fate awaits most selling fotochek - treat them with the help of the program AVG Image Shrink. It can automatically resizes and compresses images significantly while reducing their size.
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