In just a few years, smart phones have become an integral part of our lives. They serve us as a device, a navigation device, an entertainment center, an e-book, Pocket Coach, purse and so on. However, such a rapid development of mobile devices led to the fact that so many people are still We did not have time to develop sustainable security skills of both the devices and their data them. Sometimes just wonder how people can be careless in dealing with their gadgets. We would therefore like to draw your attention to a few rules to be observed by every smartphone owner.
No blockage
The need to enter a password each time to unlock can be somewhat annoying, but it is one of the easiest ways to prevent unauthorized access and / or use of your phone. Of course, experts, spend some time, will be able to crack any protection, but it will give you at least guarantee the inaccessibility of your gadget against prying eyes of ordinary people. The best views of the lock is just a password. Set auto-lock after one minute of inactivity.
Public Wi-Fi network
Public Wi-Fi networks can be very useful, but they are also a big threat to your safety. With the help of simple and publicly available software, your passwords, credentials and other information can be intercepted. If you use a Wi-Fi network in public places, it is better not to go to their financial, banking or other important accounts for you. If it is necessary, use the connection via VPN, or even your mobile data network.
The absence of anti-virus
Members are serious about your anti-virus program and update its database on the desktop, but, in this case, absolutely do not understand the need for a mobile device. Meanwhile, according to their functions mobile devices are almost identical desktops, and the emergence of mass viral infections for them - it's just a matter of time. It is better to prepare in advance for their dissemination and to establish a modern mobile anti-virus, the more that choice is, in particular, and free programs.
ignoring updates
Many, though not all, gadgets manufacturers periodically release updates to improve the functionality and eliminate security problems. They are not always installed automatically, sometimes it is necessary to visit the site, download and manually update the software of your gadget. Do not ignore this opportunity.
Installing software from third-party sources
Android devices have the ability to install software not only from the official store, but also from other sources. Very often users will download and install a program hacked questionable sites that contain a variety of malware. As a result, an attempt to save $ 1-2 turns significantly greater losses.
phishing sites
According to experts RSA cybersecurity, Smartphone users are more vulnerable to phishing attacks than desktop users. It is much harder to recognize a fake login page on a mobile browser than on the desktop. Therefore you must be very careful about the links that came to you via SMS or e-mail, and it is better to use for visiting the important sites only a regular computer.
Getting root or jailbreak your device can be very useful for smartphone unlock additional features. However, this action puts at great risk his safety. Especially in cases when the host device is not too technically prepared and do not really understand why and what it does.
Due to this operation, any application can perform an unlimited set of actions, including, steal information, send messages, write off the money, and so on. So once again, it is worth thinking about whether you need it, and whether you understand all the implications.
Have you heard of terms such as bluejacking, bluebugging or bluesnarfing? All these terms refer to various types of hacker attacks using Bluetooth connectivity. Using this technique, an attacker may be up to 30 meters away, and quietly to connect to your device. Within seconds, they can steal your confidential information and even passwords, log on to various websites. So do not forget to turn off the connection of Bluetooth, when you do not need it.
Many services, websites, social networks offer for your convenience, the option to automatically enter. Because of this, you do not have to enter each time your login credentials. But do not forget that anyone who gains access to your device, just can easily go to any of your site. Therefore, never use the possibility autologin and do not forget to press the Exit button at the end of work with a particular service.
All of the above security problems are easily remedied. It does not require much effort or material expenses. Yes, sometimes it brings additional inconvenience, but in the case of unpleasant situations, which, as we know, never waiting for help in whole or in part to avoid damage.