Tocomail for iOS and Android will teach your children to use mail
Android / / December 19, 2019
Tocomail - is an application for iOS and Android, which will help to introduce your child's e-mail.
I saw so many e-mail clients that they even do not know what the new can come up in this area. Tocobox gone further the others and provided the email client for young children that will teach them to use e-mail. The app has a version for iOS and Android.
To register your child in Tocomail, you must first enter the parent post. Then you can create a mailbox for the child, which will be located on the domain @
When creating an account, you can choose the type of interface. Standard - for children from eight years old, simplified - for the kids. Use the application is very simple, and it is not surprising. On the home screen, just three steps: send a message, email or svaypnut right to go to the contact list.
Of course, the letter can contain not only text. You can add photos, draw pictures, attachments embedded sketches and more. There is practically analogue children Paint.
To communicate you need to create a new contact in the list. If the post office to the child will receive a message from a person who is not in your contact list, it gets quarantined, and will first be sent to your e-mail for confirmation.
Tocomail - this is a great and perhaps the only email client for children. It has all of the functions for easy use of email and the ability to control the address parents. The app is absolutely free and does not have any built-in shopping.