Telegram received support custom stickers. We'll show you how to upload their own work and where to download a collection of ready-painted by artists.
In December last year, Pavel Durov announced competition for artists to create stickers for the Telegram. The total prize pool was $ 10 000, and for each received job paid $ 100. Subsequently, a secure instant messenger communication obzavolsya 40 stickers with images known personalities and heroes memes. With the latest update Telegram their number will increase by several times, because now everyone can download their work and get a permanent link to add stickers to the messenger of other users. Downloaded sets added in a separate section with a sticker, the appearance of which has also become a new feature for iOS-app users.
WebP format to download stickers in the Telegram could before and both ways still working. Now, artists, and everyone had the opportunity to create a collection of stickers for the messenger. Collections bot takes @stickers. After completion of the procedure of sending you get a public link that you can share with your friends.
At the moment, there are eight sets, and their number is gradually increasing.
Watch out for the addition of new collections can be official group Stickers in the social network "VKontakte". Save to your collection and can be obtained in the Stickers messages. Click on it, then click the Info tab and select Add Stickers.
New functionality is not yet available to all users Telegram. The official client for Mac has not yet been renewed, and following a link from the stickers will have no effect. Test the custom stickers in conversations owners can iOS- and Android-devices. The updated client Telegram you can find in the App Store and Google Play.
Price: Free
Price: Free