"Chaos Control" - management goals and objectives, which will not forget about the main (competition completed)
Android Ios / / December 19, 2019
You re-read Allen and GTD "Time Drive" Arkhangelsk, tried half a dozen of various lists of tasks, but the order in matters of life and have not increased? This happens by the absolute majority of people misinterpret management techniques, and therefore not applied to the funds. We will tell you what you did wrong and show a tool that will work, really work.
Goals and objectives
To make the work management system, it is necessary to understand the fundamental difference between "objective" and "goal". We set objectives on the basis of specific objectives, but almost all existing services and applications offered to fix the problem only, not fixing the target. As a result, a person trying to do some things, but the idea and meaning, something for which he began to perform tasks quickly erode from the head.
As days go by, and still only a set of increasingly less meaningful action that seems to be necessary to continue to implement, but why? Visions ultimate goal after all is gone. This is the root of all problems. In order not to lose motivation and always appreciated for what you do certain things, you should always keep before the eyes of the target.
If you again look at any popular book on task management techniques, you will see that in the first place there is the goal. Unfortunately, the developers almost all applications and services are poorly understood and read the output they have obtained outside solutions.
Chaos Control
Manager of the goals and objectives "Chaos Control"I have been in the pages of Layfhakera. This service is remarkable that correctly implements key ideas productivity techniques. The "Chaos Control" user always sees the goal.
Since the last review enough time has passed. The developers have to saw through the interface and logic, making them more convenient and easier to understand, re-designed for each platform, released an application for the Mac, and much more. In general, we can talk about "Chaos Control" as a new service, we are going to do. Pre-installed in the annex in fact the data are tutorials. Follow the steps, you will learn all the key capabilities of the service.
As mentioned above, the concept of "chaos control" based on the principles GTD and gives priority to the target. That is the first thing you define and write down your goals. Not individual actions, namely satisfy your results.
And only then, when the goals and terms are identified and fixed, you create a plan for achieving each goal. Plan - a set of tasks and activities that you are going to take to get the desired result.
Aim with painted to achieve its objectives of project forms. Projects, in turn, always refer to this or that sphere of life or activity. For example, you probably have a goal in your work and in your personal life goals. The "Chaos Control" like global division is realized by using folders. You create your own folder structure is as convenient to you.
Finally, there are certain criteria that you can combine these or other unrelated at first sight targets. For example, employment. You do not mind do quite different things in their spare time, but strict project structure does not allow to somehow combine these classes, because they belong to different spheres of activity. To solve the problem of each project and task can bind context. When it comes to leisure activities, the context can be so called "free time." In the future you will be able to manage projects and tasks, grouping them according to the context.
In addition to the context, you can manage tasks via the interface "plan of the day." Explain here especially do not need anything. Plan the day opens up a list of tasks to be exercised in the current day.
place chaos
A clear project structure, divided into folders, looks very nice and comfortable, but it works only until such time as you will not get a flurry of urgent information that needs to be fixed. Even if you know your ideal project structure, in the confusion can still be confused. You have something somewhere will record, but what and where - the big question. How then to find recorded and understand why they are here?
Organize projects and tasks better slowly, in a relaxed atmosphere, and to quickly record information in "Chaos Control" contains a section with the characteristic title "The place of chaos."
This is supposed to make everything without worrying about the structure, and then, when the turmoil will cease, all carefully and thoughtfully sort.
Cross-platform and synchronization
"Chaos Control" supports All current versions of WindowsSince XP and ending with "ten" OS X, Android, iOS and even Windows Phone.
Price: Free
Price: Free
For other systems, as well as for fans to do everything in the browser provided Web version of the service.
Sync is available to users who have purchased the full version of the application on any platform. In this case, additional information will be stored on the server "Chaos Control", and even in the case of a complete exit mobile or computer failure all entries will remain. Also, data is synchronized between devices authorized under one account "chaos control".
And that really works?
Yes, and this is not surprising. The goal, the desire to achieve a certain result - it is the strongest motivator, the only means which causes a person to do great things and to carry out a titanic amount of work. In the case of "chaos control" goal is always before his eyes. You do not forget what started to do what you do, and it gives strength to go on.
Chaos Control
Results of the contest
Random.org chose 6 winners, each of whom will receive a promo code for free activation of the full version of "Chaos Control" on three PC or Mac.
We will contact you through your social profiles, specifying on which OS you want to use the manager of the goals and objectives, and then send the desired code.