IN last September WhatsApp developers have pleased people are interesting updates, after which there was an opportunity to put the photos, videos and GIF-files as status. The innovation has been brought to mind, and will soon be available to all users of iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
New features WhatsApp reminiscent of the "Stories" in the Snapchat and Instagram. You can add an emoticon, text message or a picture or a video image. Contacts who will be granted permission, see the updated status.
Status will disappear after 24 hours without any manipulation on your part. While he was hanging, people will be able to post messages to the message. However, you can always disable comments for all or only certain contacts.
Owners of the company said that the introduction of a new feature - a return to the original destination WhatsApp - give users an opportunity to tell others about his business one short status.
To use the new feature, locate the tab "Status" in WhatsApp. Here you can see your contacts' updates, or share your own. If you have not yet seen the new features, update the application or wait until it is updated independently.
Price: Free
Price: Free
Developer: developer
Price: Free