What is Xposed Framework and how to install it on Android Lollipop
Android / / December 19, 2019
What is Xposed Framework
This add-on Android, which provides ample opportunities for customization of installed applications and the operating system itself.
Previously, to fine-tune the system for themselves users to install third-party firmware, often inferior to the official version in terms of stability and security. With the Xposed Framework, you can significantly change the Android, not pereproshivaya apparatus.
Now it is enough to install this software on your device and connect it to the selected modules. Each of them allows you to make your modifications: remove advertising from programs and to introduce new features, change the interface appearance, behavior control device and so on.
How to set it
Xposed Framework can be delivered to each device. In the first place, must be unlocked on your device super-user rights (Root). Secondly, the program is best suited for gadgets on pure Android. On MIUI, TouchWiz and other heavily modified version of the OS Xposed Framework may not work.
If your device meets these requirements, you can continue. But even in this case, there is little risk that the plant will bring the gadget down. Keep this in mind.
So, you need to record with by the framework, a special tool that can be integrated into the OS, and the installer modules. Download them and properly install the help of our step by step instructions.
1. The system settings allow installing software from third-party sources.
2. Download to the device (not a memory card) zip-archive version suitable Xposed Framework (Android 5.0 or Android 5.1). When you will pass on the link to see the different types of architecture: arm (v7), arm64 and x86. Choose the one that matches your processor. Type your processor, you can define using the application Hardware Info.
3. Download the installer on the device Xposed Installer as apk-file, as well as utility FlashFire.
Price: Free
4. Fully charge the device and make sure it is disconnected from the computer and power supply.
5. Start FlashFire. If prompted, provide the Root-access program. Then click on the Add button, select Flash ZIP or OTA and open Windows Explorer select the file you downloaded in step two. Leave Auto-mount option is turned off, and click Flash. Thereafter, the apparatus can be reloaded for 10-30 minutes.
6. Find the apk-file Xposed Installer, download third step, and press it. Once installed on the module installer on your desktop - application through which you can change the Android.
As a plug-and manage
The modules can be found through the Xposed Installer app or on the resource Xposed Module RepositoryWhich contains a description and links to download on Google Play, and third-party sources. After downloading all of them appear in the Xposed Installer, where you can activate them, configure or disable. After activation of each module, you must restart the device.
How to remove Xposed Framework
One of the main advantages of Android modification via Xposed Framework is that this process is reversible. You can remove the framework from the device, returning the device to its original state. It's enough to download zip-archive with the uninstallerWhich corresponds to the type of your processor (arm (v7), arm64 or x86), and run it in the utility FlashFire.