If you decide to change simbianovskuyu Nokia on the iPhone or Android, then your problem will be the first stage the address book to the new device. Of course, you can use Nokia PC Suite to download the contacts on your PC, but why do we put it, we are no longer useful. And all is not running on the Windows disk with the presence of the application is not much help. To help us comes of itself and its service Nokia OVI, which the company plans to close January 24, 2012.
For those who trust in the cloud company, but now forced him to leave, is available specially prepared site exportcontacts.ovi.comWhere you enter your login and password will be able to OVI download the full address book in CSV format. Of course to do this you must have to enable this synchronization on your smartphone. And of course, the resulting address book contacts without photos - only text data.
This file can then be imported into Google Contacts, if novys smartphone on your Android or application Address Book, if your t. B iPhone (then scatter contacts for all your iClous iGadzhetov).