Android Pay A payment system from Google came to Russia
Android / / December 19, 2019
What's the matter?
In Russia, officially launched payment system from Google, called Android Pay.
Android Pay allows you to turn Android-smartphone and smartwatch with NFC support in a safe and convenient means of payment, to be used for purchases in stores and on the Internet instead of bank card.
One of the first banks to support new technology traditionally was "Roketbankยป.
Why pay your smartphone or hours?
It is more convenient, safer and more profitable.
Usually a person holds your smartphone closer than wallet with cards and smartwatch generally always on hand. Accordingly, the time and effort to pay out much less.
Android Pay is not only convenient, but also better protects the money. For example, you already have a bank card with NFC. In case of theft or loss of the new "owner" would be free to spend your money in the shops if the purchase amount is not more than 1000 rubles. So arranged cards with NFC. When shopping at a small amount to enter the PIN code is not necessary, and it can be dangerous.
With Android Pay this number does not take place. To pay for something your smartphone, you must first unlock it. Forgotten or stolen smartwatch can not be used for payment without communication with the smartphone.
In addition, Android Pay is designed so that your card details when you pay will not transmitted, and therefore, can not be intercepted by hackers.
To popularize their payment system Google has attracted a great number of partners. For the user, this cooperation is transformed into all sorts of discounts, promotions and bonuses when paying for purchases using Android Pay. It is clear that over time the number of partners will grow, and therefore pleasant nishtyaki will be available in more stores and retail chains.
How do I know whether my smartphone or NFC hours?
Google smartphone model or hours, and see whether there is support for NFC.
Where can I pay using Android Pay?
Wherever installed payment terminals to support the NFC, ie almost any store, supermarket, cafes, restaurants, gas stations and so on and so forth.
Android Pay is also great for online shopping and payment services, because that keeps your data secret and improves the security of payments.
How does Android Pay?
Download Android Pay on Google Play.
Price: Free
Follow the instructions to tie the card, which usually pay, and you're done.
The next time you visit the store, remove the smart phone, unlock, touch the back of the screen mobile payment terminal and the purchase has paid off. In the case of intelligent clock is enough to press only one button and bring it to the terminal.
Android Pay allows you to link multiple cards. In this case, when you pay, you will be prompted to select the card you want to use right now.
Cards which the banks can be linked to Android Pay?
Now to Android Pay card can bind those banks that advance warning in advance and implemented new technology from the first day of its launch in Russia. These include "Roketbank".
In addition to supporting Android Pay, card "Roketbanka" offer very favorable conditions:
- Free Order and card without asterisks and reservations.
- Cash withdrawals at ATMs of any bank worldwide, without commission.
- 7.5% for the remainder of the map without the upper and lower thresholds.
- Keshbek 1% for any purchase up to 10% for purchases in your favorite establishments.
"Roketbank" is included in the financial group "Discovery" and is therefore one of the most reliable in Russia. Money stored on the cards "Roketbanka" protected state deposit insurance system.
If you are already a user card "Roketbanka", you can now link it to the Android Pay and test a new payment system in action.
For all other Layfhaker offers a special link to order cards "Roketbanka", using which you will get additional 500 roketrubley the account.
Get a map and 500 roketrubley