In what position is best to sleep
Health / / December 19, 2019
How different postures affect sleep
on the side
This is the most popular, but not the best option. researchBody position affects recumbent postprandial reflux show that sleep on the right side is heartburnSince in this position the lower esophageal sphincter, retarding the acid in the stomach, relaxes (sleep on the left side has no such effects). In addition, fans sleep in this position may suffer from pain in the shoulders and hips.
Harris Shelby (Shelby Harris), sleep expert and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, believes that in the absence of negative symptoms changed sleeping position is not necessary. Those who are in pain, it is worth to buy pillow with good support to reduce the load on the shoulders, and suffering from heartburn - lie down on your left side. In addition, under the knees need to put a pillow to compensate for the load on the lower back.
on the stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is considered the most harmful. In this position, the body is subjected to enormous pressure, because of which you may feel numbness and tingling. Turning his head back and forth, you increase the likelihood of pain in muscles and joints.
Fans of sleep on his stomach Harris advises lie on a thin cushion to reduce the load on the neck.
On the back
Sleeping on your back - the most natural. In this position, the body is resting, you do not suffer from pain or heartburn. Those who sleep on their backs, Harris advises to use a pillow to the head is flush with the body.
However, even with the perfect pillow that provision is not safe for snorers. Sleeping on your back can provoke occurrence of apnea and aggravate pre-existing disease. If you have already encountered this problem, you sleep on your back is not for you.
How to train yourself to sleep on your back
To fix your body on your back, place a pillow on both sides of themselves and one under your knees. If that does not work, Harris offers a shove with the right side under her pajamas tennis balls. They just restrain your impulse to roll over.
Maybe at first you will be uncomfortable to sleep in the new position, even if you feel that began to wake up more rested. But to mock a not worth it.
Despite the fact that the best sleeping position - on the back, you need to sleep as you are comfortable.
If at all desire can not be retrained, do not torture. Attempts may result in malfunction of the circadian rhythm, which is no good effect on your health, memory, mood and energy level.