Time Trackers
1. MyAddictometer
MyAddictometer will show how much time takes away from your phone, how often do you unlock the screen, how many sit in social networks and other applications. The results can be seen on the chart, and compare them with the achievements of other users.
Price: Free
2. Social Fever
With an intuitive interface to understand this program is not difficult. Social Fever will observe which applications you use most frequently. can be isolated, if desired, for each of them a certain time. At the end of the day you will receive a report on their progress and find out how much time is saved.
Price: Free
3. aTimeLogger
Use this app to keep track of absolutely all the activity for the day. Thanks to the accurate and detailed data, you can analyze your schedule and habits, and then make a plan to be more productive at work and at home.
Price: Free
Price: Free
A simple app that helps track the activity on your smartphone. When you first start will need to pass a small survey to identify why you are using a smartphone, and what results you want to achieve. After that, you are prompted to enter a time limit for use of the phone, as well as to indicate how many times a day you will be able to unlock the screen.
Price: Free
Price: Free
blockers applications
5. QualityTime
QualityTime not only keeps track of how much time you spend on the phone, but also imposes a restriction on the use of applications. Add multiple profiles depending on what you're doing: to work - one for study - the other, for a break and evening entertainment - the third. Flexible settings can help to tailor the application to fit your needs. For example, if you have urgent work, safeguarding not only the application, but also all alerts and calls.
Price: Free
6. AntiSocial
Universal app with a nice design and a large number of settings. With it, you can set the daily limit, to develop a plan to use the application for a month, as well as keep track of your achievements and compare them with those of other people.
Price: Free
7. Flipd
A simple application with minimal functionality. You set the length of time that does not want to use your smartphone and the app will block the screen. If you urgently need a phone, you can unlock once for 60 seconds. Of course, if you have a matter of urgency, a smartphone can be restarted.
Price: Free
Price: Free
With OFFTIME you can track statistics of your activity, to find applications that take the most time, and block them. You can also turn off notifications, SMS and calls. If you do not want to miss an important message or a phone call - add a contact to the exception. The same can be done with the applications that you need for work or study.
Price: 29 rubles
9. Any.do
App with lots of features and intuitive controls. Create task lists, Add them to the sub-tasks, reminders, files. You can share lists, and tasks with other users. If you have missed a call, the app will remind you what to call.
Price: Free
Price: Free
10. S.Graph
Simple widget in the form of a dial that displays your daily schedule. The app syncs with the calendar and displays information on the screen. With it, you can plan your day down to the minute. S.Graph can be used not only for the preparation of the agenda, but also for the development of habits.
Price: Free
11. TickTick
Versatile task scheduler with a nice design and rich functionality. The application is synchronized with calendars and other devices. In it, you can quickly create a note voice, to share a list of tasks with other users, create reminder by location, set priorities for tasks and combine them into folders, and add hashtags notes. In addition to mobile applications and has a web version.
Price: Free
Price: Free
12. To Round
This scheduler is different visual style. All tasks in the application submitted in the form of balls. Each of them has a different color depending on the category of the problem and the size: the larger the ball, the more important target.
Price: Free
Applications to work with habits
13. Throw addiction and habit
A simple application that will help in struggle with bad habits. You can specify multiple goals and track their progress, and the app will motivate you every day. You can set the reward for themselves, to fight easier.
Price: Free
14. ControlYourSelf
The application is developed on the basis of a point system. You specify the habit and its priority, and the higher it is, the more points will be charged for the failure. Every day, you get one point for every failure points removed. On the chart you can see your progress. The app is absolutely free and contains no advertising.
Price: Free
15. Familiar tracker
The app will not only help get rid of bad habits, but also acquire useful. Use it if you want to quit smoking, stop nail biting, and less to sit in social networks. For each goal, you can set a reminder and to track progress. The application supports synchronization with multiple devices and integration with Google Fit.
Price: Free
16. HabitSeed
As with the previous program, HabitSeed helps to develop good habits and eliminate the bad, but it does so in an unusual way. You choose the goal you want to achieve, and are planting in the ground grain, which gradually turns into a beautiful tree.
Price: 52,19 ₽
17. Motivateo
This universal app is suitable for the formation of habits, Minister of Planning and goal setting. To achieve the results, plan your day. You can create your own habits or use the catalog and select a suitable occupation for themselves. Thanks to the flexible system of reminders you do not have to keep everything in your head. When the time comes - the app will remind you what to do.
Price: Free
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