Another way to get a Windows 10 Free
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
He ended the period during which it was possible for free to update your operating system to Windows 10. Now all who wish to upgrade to the latest version of Windows will have to buy it. However, there was one way to do it for free, which you'll learn in this article.
Man is a strange way: when he is either strongly imposed, it bounces off of hands and feet. And when it is the same offer for the money, There is some regret because of the recent behavior.
If you are overwhelmed by these feelings about Windows 10, we can please you. I stayed one more way to get a new version of Microsoft's operating system for free. We do not know how much more he will work, but they can use at the moment.
Microsoft has decided to extend indefinitely a free upgrade for people with disabilities. The fact that in the upcoming update Windows 10 Anniversary UpdateWhich should appear from day to day, the brought a number of serious improvements to this particular category of users. Therefore, for those who decided to upgrade to Windows 10 only now preserved for some time the opportunity arises.
To obtain a free update, you simply need to visit this page and click on the "Update Now". After that, your PC will be loaded with a special program "Upgrade Advisor" that first It will analyze your computer for compatibility with Windows 10, and then download and install the OS itself system.
We remind you that you can only install the ten computers running Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. If a same Windows 10 you absolutely do not like it, then you can always go back to the usual 30 days environment.
And you have already installed Windows 10? If not, here it is, your last chance!