Save your data - a very useful exercise. For example, in the mail is convenient to find the correspondence, as well as the same correspondence messengers. But with voice calls more and more difficult - you're talking about something and over time, the interpretation of what was said and heard very strongly may become distorted. Solve the problem of the so-called Contact Reports - text results of the agreements, but they must always be someone willing to talk time. If you're not up to it, or simply the presence of a third person is not desirable, and are talking on Skype, then use Callnote free plugin that not only keeps your audio conversations, but also sends them to store in Evernote.
The plugin works on both Windows and Mac, and here are the requirements:
- Windows XP / Vista / 7: Skype 5.6;
- Mac OS 10.6: Skype 5.3;
- Mac OS 10.7: Skype 5.5.
That is, if you're a fan of the old vintage minimalist Skype, the plugin will not work.
Callnote very simple, but it is able to record all conversations automatically or just the ones you specify. Additionally it can report your interlocutors that they are written - it is very unethical and a predetermined tone of a conversation.
After recording the conversation, describe it and store it in Evernote cloud for further work with these data.