I'm not going to encroach on laurels Total Commander and FarI just tell you about the file manager, which I use. muCommander absolutely free (GNU GPL v3), In contrast to the above, a cross-platform (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, * BSD, Solaris ...), a small, a portable and very convenient file manager with a beautiful, classic interface.
It is fully implemented in Java, making it versatile for many operating systems. No sverhnavorotov in it, it does all the things that should make it a class program: copy, transfers, archives (ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO / NRG, AR / Deb and LST) and connects (FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS, HTTP and Bonjour).
Has, as I said, an elegant, modify, multilingual (American & British English, French, German, Spanish, Czech, Simplified & Traditional Chinese, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Italian, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch and Slovak) interface. A portable version runs without administrator privileges, the only requirement - the presence java SE in system. I think the manager is useful for those who use free software.
Download muCommander for different operating systems from the official website.