How to create a shortcut for quick access to certain Windows settings
Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
In Windows 10 the majority of the most essential settings are located in the "Settings". And so, for example, change the color of windows, will have to start in sequence to open «Start» → «Settings» → «Personalization» → «Colors'.
When you adjust the settings once, it's not a problem. But if you often poking around in certain settings, do as extra clicks the mouse a little bored.
Fortunately, in Windows 10 there is a small hack that allows you to create shortcuts for the page settings in the system "Settings". This can be done with the command ms-settings
For example, you want to create a shortcut to display the settings. Right-click on the desktop and select the "Create» → «Label».
Then enter in the "Facility" command ms-settings: display
Click "Next", set the label name ( "Display Settings" is fine), and then click "Finish". Now, by clicking on the item, you will immediately fall into the desired section.
instead of the word display
in a team ms-settings
You can also use any word from the list below - the choice will depend on which settings you need. Just enter your
ms-settings: nuzhnaya_komanda
(Without spaces), and the shortcut will open the appropriate section in the "parameters".
System settings:
- Display: display
- Sound: sound
- Notifications: notifications
- Mode "Do Not Disturb»: quiethours
- Power and sleep mode: powersleep
- Storage: storagesense
- tablet mode: tabletmode
- Multitasking: multitasking
- Screen Projection: project
- Mobile devices: crossdevice
- On the system: about
Hardware Settings:
- Bluetooth: bluetooth
- printers and scanners: printers
- Mouse: mousetouchpad
- Touchpad: devices-touchpad
- Input: typing
- Handwriting: pen
- Autoplay: autoplay
- USB: usb
- Your smartphone: mobile-devices
Network and Internet:
- Status: network-status
- Mobile network: network-cellular
- Wi-Fi: network-wifi
- Ethernet: network-ethernet
- Dialing: network-dialup
- VPN: network-vpn
- Mode "Airplane»: network-airplanemode
- Mobile hotspot: network-mobilehotspot
- Use of data: datausage
- Proxy: network-proxy
- Background: personalization-background
- Colors: colors
- Lock Screen: lockscreen
- Topics: themes
- Fonts: fonts
- Start: personalization-start
- taskbar: taskbar
- Applications and possibilities: appsfeatures
- the default application: defaultapps
- Offline maps: maps
- Applications for Web sites: appsforwebsites
- Video playback: videoplayback
- Startup applications: startupapps
- Your data: yourinfo
- E-mail accounts applications: emailandaccounts
- Input parameters: signinoptions
- Access to an account of the work place or educational institution: workplace
- Family and other people: otherusers
- Sync your settings: sync
Time Language:
- Date and time: dateandtime
- Region and language: regionlanguage
- Voice recognition: speech
- Game Menu: gaming-gamebar
- DVR for gaming: gaming-gamedvr
- Webcast: gaming-broadcasting
- Game Mode: gaming-gamemode
- TruePlay: gaming-trueplay
- Net Xbox: Gaming-xboxnetworking
Special Access:
- Display: easeofaccess-display
- Magnifier: easeofaccess-magnifier
- High contrast: easeofaccess-highcontrast
- Narrator: easeofaccess-narrator
- Audio: easeofaccess-audio
- Closed captions: easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
- Speech: easeofaccess-speechrecognition
- Keyboard: easeofaccess-keyboard
- Mouse: easeofaccess-mouse
- Eye Control: easeofaccess-eyecontrol
- General settings: privacy
- Speech, handwriting recognition and text input: privacy-speechtyping
- Comments and suggestions: privacy-feedback
- History of activity: privacy-activityhistory
- Location: privacy-location
- Camera: privacy-webcam
- Microphone: privacy-microphone
- Notifications: privacy-notifications
- Account information: privacy-accountinfo
- Contacts: privacy-contacts
- Calendar: privacy-calandar
- Call history: privacy-callhistory
- Mail: privacy-email
- Objectives: privacy-tasks
- Messaging: privacy-messaging
- Radio: privacy-radios
- Other devices: privacy-customdevices
- Background Applications: privacy-backgroundapps
- Diagnosis: privacy-appdiagnostics
- Automatically download files: privacy-automaticfiledownloads
- Documents: privacy-documents
- Images: privacy-pictures
- Video: privacy-videos
- File system: privacy-broadfilesystemaccess
Updates and security:
- Windows Update: windowsupdate
- Check for updates: windowsupdate-action
- Update History: windowsupdate-history
- Restart Settings: windowsupdate-restartoptions
- Advanced Options: windowsupdate-options
- Defender Windows: windowsdefender
- Backup Service: backup
- Troubleshooting: troubleshoot
- Recovery: recovery
- Activation: activation
- Device Search: findmydevice
- For developers: developers
- preliminary assessment of the program Windows: windowsinsider
see also🧐
- 9 settings, Windows 10, that will facilitate your life
- 12 things you need to do after installing Windows 10
- How to reset the network settings in Windows 10